- **TGBOT_TOKEN**: Put your bot token that you created at [@BotFather](https://t.me/botfather) at the variable ``TGBOT_TOKEN`` (as the example above).
- **TGBOT_ADMINS**: Put the ID of the people responsible for managing the bot (as the example above). They can use some administrative + exclusive commands on any group.
- **SW_KEY**: A API key to make a blocklist to banned SpamWatch users. You can refer to SpamWatch docs to create a API key for yourself.
After editing the file, save all changes and run the bot with ``npm start``.
## Notes
- The source code itself of the bot is at ``src/main.js``, and the commands are in ``src/commands``.
- You can edit this file and the ``package.json`` file as your needs.
- The name of the command file will always be the command itself.
- Example: ``whois.js`` will always be ``/whois`` on Telegram.
- Also, to see your changes, please restart the bot before making a issue.