"lynxWelcome":"*Hello! I am Lynx!*\nI was made with love by Lucas Gabriel (lucmsilva)!\n\n*Before using, you will need to read the privacy policy (/privacy) to understand where your data goes when using this bot.*\n\nAlso, you can use /help to show the bot commands!",
"lynxHelp":"*Hello! I'm Lynx!*\n\nI'm a simple bot made entirely from scratch in Telegraf and Node.js by Lucas Gabriel (lucmsilva).\n\n*Profile photo/help:* [@monkeycatluna on ig](https://www.instagram.com/monkeycatluna/)\n\n*Some commands to test:*\n• */chatinfo* - send some information about the group\n• */customize* - customize your pronouns (WIP)\n• */dice* - send an emoji of a dice (random results)\n• */furry* - check if you are a furry\n• */gay* - check if you are gay\n• */help* - send this message\n• */privacy* - read the Privacy Policy\n• */random* - pick a random number between 0-10\n• */start* - start the bot\n• */slot* - send an interactive emoji of a casino slot\n• */userinfo* - send some information about yourself\n\n*See my source code in my* [GitHub repository](https://github.com/lucmsilva651/lynx)*.*\n\nThanks to all users, testers, contributors, and others. Without you, perhaps this bot wouldn't be possible ❤️\n\n*Special thanks to @givfnz2 for his many contributions to the bot!*",