diff --git a/commands/gsmarena.js b/commands/gsmarena.js
index 28aa475..e3ff415 100644
--- a/commands/gsmarena.js
+++ b/commands/gsmarena.js
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ function formatPhone(phone) {
.filter(([_, key]) => formattedPhone[key])
.map(([label, key]) => `${label}: ${formattedPhone[key]}
const deviceUrl = `GSMArena page: ${formattedPhone.url}`;
const deviceImage = phone.picture ? `Device Image: ${phone.picture}` : '';
diff --git a/commands/weather.js b/commands/weather.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c68b44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/commands/weather.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Ported and improved from BubbalooTeam's PyCoala bot
+// Copyright (c) 2024 BubbalooTeam. (https://github.com/BubbalooTeam)
+const axios = require('axios');
+const Config = require('../props/config.json');
+const { getStrings } = require('../plugins/checklang.js');
+const { isOnSpamWatch } = require('../plugins/lib-spamwatch/spamwatch.js');
+const spamwatchMiddleware = require('../plugins/lib-spamwatch/Middleware.js')(isOnSpamWatch);
+const statusEmojis = {
+ 0: '⛈', 1: '⛈', 2: '⛈', 3: '⛈', 4: '⛈', 5: '🌨', 6: '🌨', 7: '🌨',
+ 8: '🌨', 9: '🌨', 10: '🌨', 11: '🌧', 12: '🌧', 13: '🌨', 14: '🌨',
+ 15: '🌨', 16: '🌨', 17: '⛈', 18: '🌧', 19: '🌫', 20: '🌫', 21: '🌫',
+ 22: '🌫', 23: '🌬', 24: '🌬', 25: '🌨', 26: '☁️', 27: '🌥', 28: '🌥',
+ 29: '⛅️', 30: '⛅️', 31: '🌙', 32: '☀️', 33: '🌤', 34: '🌤', 35: '⛈',
+ 36: '🔥', 37: '🌩', 38: '🌩', 39: '🌧', 40: '🌧', 41: '❄️', 42: '❄️',
+ 43: '❄️', 44: 'n/a', 45: '🌧', 46: '🌨', 47: '🌩',
+const getStatusEmoji = (statusCode) => statusEmojis[statusCode] || 'n/a';
+function getLocaleUnit(userLang) {
+ const fahrenheitCountries = ['US', 'BS', 'BZ', 'KY', 'LR'];
+ const languagePrefix = userLang.split('-')[0];
+ const countryCode = userLang.split('-')[1];
+ if (languagePrefix === 'en' || (countryCode && fahrenheitCountries.includes(countryCode))) {
+ return { temperatureUnit: 'F', speedUnit: 'mph', apiUnit: 'e' };
+ } else {
+ return { temperatureUnit: 'C', speedUnit: 'km/h', apiUnit: 'm' };
+ }
+module.exports = (bot) => {
+ bot.command(['clima', 'weather'], spamwatchMiddleware, async (ctx) => {
+ const userLang = ctx.from.language_code || "en-US";
+ const Strings = getStrings(userLang);
+ const args = ctx.message.text;
+ if (args.length < 9) {
+ return ctx.reply(Strings.provideLocation, {
+ parse_mode: "Markdown",
+ reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id
+ });
+ }
+ const location = args.slice(9).trim();
+ const apiKey = Config.weatherKey;
+ try {
+ const locationResponse = await axios.get('https://api.weather.com/v3/location/search', {
+ params: {
+ apiKey: apiKey,
+ format: 'json',
+ language: userLang,
+ query: location,
+ },
+ });
+ const locationData = locationResponse.data.location;
+ if (!locationData || !locationData.address) {
+ return ctx.reply(Strings.invalidLocation, {
+ parse_mode: "Markdown",
+ reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id
+ });
+ }
+ const addressFirst = locationData.address[0];
+ const latFirst = locationData.latitude[0];
+ const lonFirst = locationData.longitude[0];
+ const { temperatureUnit, speedUnit, apiUnit } = getLocaleUnit(userLang);
+ const weatherResponse = await axios.get('https://api.weather.com/v3/aggcommon/v3-wx-observations-current', {
+ params: {
+ apiKey: apiKey,
+ format: 'json',
+ language: userLang,
+ geocode: `${latFirst},${lonFirst}`,
+ units: apiUnit,
+ },
+ });
+ const weatherData = weatherResponse.data['v3-wx-observations-current'];
+ const { temperature, temperatureFeelsLike, relativeHumidity, windSpeed, iconCode, wxPhraseLong } = weatherData;
+ const weatherMessage = Strings.weatherStatus
+ .replace('{addressFirst}', addressFirst)
+ .replace('{getStatusEmoji(iconCode)}', getStatusEmoji(iconCode))
+ .replace('{wxPhraseLong}', wxPhraseLong)
+ .replace('{temperature}', temperature)
+ .replace('{temperatureFeelsLike}', temperatureFeelsLike)
+ .replace('{temperatureUnit}', temperatureUnit)
+ .replace('{temperatureUnit2}', temperatureUnit)
+ .replace('{relativeHumidity}', relativeHumidity)
+ .replace('{windSpeed}', windSpeed)
+ .replace('{speedUnit}', speedUnit);
+ ctx.reply(weatherMessage, { parse_mode: 'Markdown' });
+ } catch (error) {
+ const message = Strings.weatherErr.replace('{error}', error.message);
+ ctx.reply(message, {
+ parse_mode: "Markdown",
+ reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id
+ });
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/english.json b/locales/english.json
index b17998d..eeb41ff 100644
--- a/locales/english.json
+++ b/locales/english.json
@@ -37,5 +37,9 @@
"lastFmStatusFor": "*Last.fm status for user* {lastfmUser}*:*\n\n*{nowPlaying}*: {trackName} by {artistName} \n\n*Number of plays*: {plays}",
"lastFmErr": "*Error retrieving data for Last.fm user* {lastfmUser}.",
"currentCommit": "*Current commit:* `{commitHash}`",
- "errorRetrievingCommit": "*Error retrieving commit:* {error}"
+ "errorRetrievingCommit": "*Error retrieving commit:* {error}",
+ "provideLocation": "*Please provide a valid location.*",
+ "invalidLocation": "*Invalid location. Try again.*",
+ "weatherStatus": "*Weather in {addressFirst}:*\n\n*Status:* `{getStatusEmoji(iconCode)} {wxPhraseLong}`\n*Temperature:* `{temperature} °{temperatureUnit}`\n*Feels like:* `{temperatureFeelsLike} °{temperatureUnit2}`\n*Humidity:* `{relativeHumidity}%`\n*Wind speed:* `{windSpeed} {speedUnit}`",
+ "weatherErr": "*An error occurred while retrieving the weather. Please try again later.*\n\n`{error}`"
diff --git a/locales/portuguese.json b/locales/portuguese.json
index ee5d4b6..2b3a737 100644
--- a/locales/portuguese.json
+++ b/locales/portuguese.json
@@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"lastFmStatusFor": "*Status do Last.fm para o usuário* {lastfmUser}*:*\n\n*{nowPlaying}*: {trackName} por {artistName}\n\n*Numero de plays*: {plays}",
"lastFmErr": "*Erro ao recuperar dados para o usuário do Last.fm* {lastfmUser}.",
"currentCommit": "*Commit atual:* `{commitHash}`",
- "errorRetrievingCommit": "*Erro ao obter o commit:* {error}"
+ "errorRetrievingCommit": "*Erro ao obter o commit:* {error}",
+ "provideLocation": "*Por favor, forneça uma localização válida.*",
+ "invalidLocation": "*Localização inválida. Tente novamente.*",
+ "weatherStatus": "*Clima em {addressFirst}:*\n\n*Estado:* `{getStatusEmoji(iconCode)} {wxPhraseLong}`\n*Temperatura:* `{temperature} °{temperatureUnit}`\n*Sensação térmica:* `{temperatureFeelsLike} °{temperatureUnit2}`\n*Umidade:* `{relativeHumidity}%`\n*Velocidade do vento:* `{windSpeed} {speedUnit}`",
+ "weatherErr": "*Ocorreu um erro ao obter o clima. Tente novamente mais tarde.*\n\n`{error}`"