From fbdba4cb3f326f2568389e603f5b620f309a7761 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Luquinhas Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 11:39:57 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] MLP help entry and desc inside obj --- src/locales/english.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/locales/english.json b/src/locales/english.json index 39ebc3a..580376d 100644 --- a/src/locales/english.json +++ b/src/locales/english.json @@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ "interactiveEmojisDesc": "*Interactive emojis*\n\n- /dice: Roll a dice\n- /idice: Infinitely roll a colored dice\n- /slot: Try to combine the figures!\n- /ball: Try to kick the ball into the goal!\n- /bowling: Try to hit the pins!\n- /dart: Try to hit the target!", "animalCommands": "Animals", "animalCommandsDesc": "*Animals*\n\n- /soggy | /soggycat `<1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | orig | thumb | sticker | alt>`: Sends the [Soggy cat meme](\n - /cat ``: Sends a random picture of a cat. You can specify some tags, separating each by a comma. Example: `/cat orange, cute`\n- /dog: Sends a random picture of a dog.\n- /httpcat ``: Send cat memes from with your specified HTTP code. Example: `/httpcat 404`", - "myLittlePony": "My Little Pony", - "myLittlePonyDesc": "*My Little Pony*\n\n- /mlp: Displays this help message.\n- /mlpchar ``: Shows specific information about a My Little Pony character. Example: `/mlpchar twilight`\n- /mlpep: Shows specific information about a My Little Pony episode. Example: `/mlpep 136`", "maInvalidModule": "Please provide a valid module ID from The Mod Archive.\nExample: `/modarchive 81574`", "maDownloadError": "Error downloading the file. Check the module ID and try again.", "ytDownload": { @@ -99,6 +97,8 @@ "resultMsg": "*HTTP Code*: {code}\n*Name*: `{message}`\n*Description*: {description}" }, "ponyApi": { + "helpEntry": "My Little Pony", + "helpDesc": "*My Little Pony*\n\n- /mlp: Displays this help message.\n- /mlpchar ``: Shows specific information about a My Little Pony character. Example: `/mlpchar twilight`\n- /mlpep: Shows specific information about a My Little Pony episode. Example: `/mlpep 136`", "charRes": "*MLP Character Information for* \"`{input}`\"*:*\n\n*Name:* `{name}`\n*Alias*: `{alias}`\n*Fandom URL:* [{url}]({url})\n*Sex:* `{sex}`\n*Residence:* `{residence}`\n*Occupation:* `{occupation}`\n*Kind:* `{kind}`", "epRes": "*MLP Episode Information for* \"`{input}`\"*:*\n\n*Name:* `{name}`\n*Fandom URL:* [{url}]({url})\n*Season:* `{season}`\n*Episode:* `{episode}`\n*Overall Ep.:* `{overall}`\n*Release date:* `{airdate}`\n*Story by:* `{storyby}`\n*Written by:* `{writtenby}`\n*Storyboard:* `{storyboard}`", "comicRes": "*MLP Comic Information for* \"`{input}`\"*:*\n\n*Name:* `{name}`\n*Fandom URL:* [{url}]({url})\n*Series:* `{series}`\n*Writer:* `{writer}`\n*Artist:* `{artist}`\n*Colorist:* `{colorist}`\n*Letterer:* `{letterer}`\n*Editor:* `{editor}`",