const Config = require('../props/config.json'); const { getStrings } = require('../plugins/checklang.js'); const { isOnSpamWatch } = require('../plugins/lib-spamwatch/spamwatch.js'); const spamwatchMiddleware = require('../plugins/lib-spamwatch/Middleware.js')(isOnSpamWatch); const os = require('os'); function formatUptime(uptime) { const hours = Math.floor(uptime / 3600); const minutes = Math.floor((uptime % 3600) / 60); const seconds = Math.floor(uptime % 60); return `${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`; } function getSystemInfo() { const platform = os.platform(); const release = os.release(); const arch = os.arch(); const cpuModel = os.cpus()[0].model; const cpuCores = os.cpus().length; const totalMemory = (os.totalmem() / (1024 ** 3)).toFixed(2) + ' GB'; const freeMemory = (os.freemem() / (1024 ** 3)).toFixed(2) + ' GB'; const loadAverage = os.loadavg().map(avg => avg.toFixed(2)).join(', '); const uptime = formatUptime(os.uptime()); const nodeVersion = process.version; return `*Server Stats*\n\n` + `*OS:* \`${platform} ${release}\`\n` + `*Arch:* \`${arch}\`\n` + `*Node.js Version:* \`${nodeVersion}\`\n` + `*CPU:* \`${cpuModel}\`\n` + `*CPU Cores:* \`${cpuCores} cores\`\n` + `*RAM:* \`${freeMemory} / ${totalMemory}\`\n` + `*Load Average:* \`${loadAverage}\`\n` + `*Uptime:* \`${uptime}\`\n\n`; } module.exports = (bot) => { bot.command('getbotstats', spamwatchMiddleware, async (ctx) => { const Strings = getStrings(ctx.from.language_code); const userId = || Strings.unKnown; if (Config.admins.includes(userId)) { const machineStats = getSystemInfo(); ctx.reply( machineStats, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id } ).catch(error => ctx.reply( "Error when getting server status:\n" + error, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id } )); } else { ctx.reply(Strings.botAdminOnly, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id }); } }); bot.command('setbotname', spamwatchMiddleware, async (ctx) => { const Strings = getStrings(ctx.from.language_code); const userId = || Strings.unKnown; if (Config.admins.includes(userId)) { const botName = ctx.message.text.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '); const botNameReport = Strings.botNameChanged ? Strings.botNameChanged.replace('{botName}', botName) : `Bot name changed to ${botName}`; try { await ctx.telegram.setMyName(botName); ctx.reply( botNameReport, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id } ); } catch (error) { const botNameErr = Strings.botNameErr ? Strings.botNameErr.replace('{tgErr}', error.message) : `Error setting bot name: ${error.message}`; ctx.reply( botNameErr, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id } ); } } else { ctx.reply(Strings.botAdminOnly, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id }); } }); bot.command('setbotdesc', spamwatchMiddleware, async (ctx) => { const Strings = getStrings(ctx.from.language_code); const userId = || Strings.unKnown; if (Config.admins.includes(userId)) { const botDesc = ctx.message.text.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '); const botDescReport = Strings.botDescChanged ? Strings.botDescChanged.replace('{botDesc}', botDesc) : `Bot description changed to ${botDesc}`; try { await ctx.telegram.setMyDescription(botDesc); ctx.reply( botDescReport, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id } ); } catch (error) { const botDescErr = Strings.botDescErr ? Strings.botDescErr.replace('{tgErr}', error.message) : `Error setting bot description: ${error.message}`; ctx.reply( botDescErr, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id } ); } } else { ctx.reply( Strings.botAdminOnly, { reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id }); } }); bot.command('botkickme', spamwatchMiddleware, async (ctx) => { const Strings = getStrings(ctx.from.language_code); const chatId = || Strings.unKnown; ctx.reply( Strings.kickingMyself, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id }); ctx.telegram.leaveChat(chatId); }); };