module.exports = function(bot, msg) { const chatId =; const chatName =; const chatHandle =; const isForum =; let chatNameOutput = ""; let chatHandleOutput = ""; let isForumOutput = ""; if (isForum) { isForumOutput = "*This chat is a forum (has topics enabled).*"; } else { isForumOutput = "*This chat is not a forum (doesn't have topics enabled).*"; } if (chatHandle) { chatHandleOutput = `*Chat handle:* \`@${chatHandle}`; } else { chatHandleOutput = `*Chat handle:* \`none (private group)\``; } // if chatName returns undefined, the chat is not a group or channel if (chatName) { chatNameOutput = `*Chat name:* \`${chatName}\`\n${chatHandleOutput}\n*Chat ID:* \`${chatId}\`\n\n${isForumOutput}`; } else { chatNameOutput = "Whoops!\nThis command doesn't work in PM."; } const message = chatNameOutput; bot.sendMessage(chatId, message, { parse_mode: 'Markdown' }) .catch(error => console.error('WARN: Message cannot be sent: ', error)); }