module.exports = function(bot, msg) { const chatId =; const message = `*Privacy Policy for Lynx Telegram Bot (@LynxBR_bot)*\n` + `Before using, you will need to read the privacy policy ` + `to understand where your data goes when using this bot. ` + `If you don't agree with any of these terms, stop using ` + `the bot.\n\n` + `*1. Data Collection and Use*\n` + `All text messages sent to the Lynx bot, along with ` + `their respective identifiers (username and ID), are ` + `collected in a secure environment for the developers. ` + `This data is used solely for the purpose of improving ` + `and debugging the bot and is retained for a period `+ `of 60 days before being completely deleted. ` + `Also, any messages sended on groups or channels that the ` + `bot is present are not collected by privacy reasons.\n\n` + `*2. Data Sharing*\n` + `Message data, including text and identifiers, is not ` + `shared with any companies or third-party entities.\n\n` + `*3. Legal Compliance*\n` + `In the event of legal action, data will be provided ` + `in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.\n\n` + `*4. User-Generated Content*\n` + `We (the creators, developers, and hosts of the bot) ` + `are not responsible for any content generated by users, ` + `whether it is triggered by our bot or another.\n\n` + `*5. Blocklist System*\n` + `We have implemented a blocklist system via user ID. If ` + `a user generates inappropriate content or misuses the bot, ` + `they will be permanently blocked. If the use of alternative ` + `or secondary accounts by a blocked user is detected, those ` + `accounts will also be blocked.\n\n` + `*6. Source Code*\n` + `If you wish to review the source code, please visit the ` + `[Lynx GitHub Repository](\n\n` + `*7. Terms Modification*\n` + `These terms may be changed or invalidated at any time, with or without prior notice.\n\n` + `*8. Immediate Cancellation of Terms*\n` + `In case of usage block, as mentioned above, the terms will be immediately cancelled for the user.`; bot.sendMessage(chatId, message, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', disable_web_page_preview: true }) .catch(error => console.error('WARN: Message cannot be sent: ', error)); };