module.exports = function(bot, msg) { const chatId =; const userName = msg.from.first_name; const userId =; const userHandle = msg.from.username; const isBot = msg.from.is_bot; const userPremium = msg.from.is_premium; const userLang = msg.from.language_code; let haveUsername = ""; let userPremiumOutput = ""; if (userPremium) { userPremiumOutput = "*You have a Telegram Premium subscription.*"; } else { userPremiumOutput = "*You don't have a Telegram Premium subscription.*"; } if (userHandle) { haveUsername = `*Your username is:* \`@${userHandle}\``; } else { haveUsername = `*Your username is:* \`none\``; } const message = `*Your name is:* \`${userName}\`\n${haveUsername}\n*Your ID is:* \`${userId}\`\n*You are a bot:* \`${isBot}\`\n*Your language:* \`${userLang}\`\n\n${userPremiumOutput}`; bot.sendMessage(chatId, message, { parse_mode: 'Markdown' }) .catch(error => console.error('WARN: Message cannot be sent: ', error)); }