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synced 2025-03-10 12:49:57 +00:00
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69 lines
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"lynxWelcome": "*Hello! I am Lynx!*\nI was made with love by Lucas Gabriel (@lukig1)!\n\n*Before using, you need to read the privacy policy (/privacy) to understand where your data goes when using this bot.*\n\nAlso, you can use /help to see the bot commands!\n\n*Special thanks to @givfnz2 for his many contributions to the bot!*",
"lynxHelp": "*Hey, I'm Lynx, a simple bot made entirely from scratch in Telegraf and Node.js by Lucas Gabriel (lucmsilva).*\n\nClick on the buttons below to see which commands you can use!\n",
"lynxPrivacy": "Check out [this link](https://blog.eleu.me/posts/lynx-privacy-policy) to read the bot's privacy policy.",
"unKnown": "Unknown",
"varYes": "Yes",
"varNo": "No",
"varNone": "None",
"invalidOption": "Whoops! Invalid option!",
"kickingMyself": "*Since you don't need me, I'll leave.*",
"kickingMyselfErr": "Error leaving the chat.",
"noPermission": "You don't have permission to run this command.",
"botAdminOnly": "This command is exclusive to the bot's general administrators. I can't disclose who they are, nor what this command does.",
"privateOnly": "This command should only be used in private chats, not in groups.",
"groupOnly": "This command should only be used in groups, not in private chats.",
"botNameChanged": "*Bot name changed to* `{botName}`.",
"botNameErr": "*Error changing bot name:*\n`{tgErr}`",
"botDescChanged": "*Bot description changed to* `{botDesc}`.",
"botDescErr": "*Error changing bot description:*\n`{tgErr}`",
"invalidId": "Please enter a valid user ID.",
"banSuccess": "User with ID `{userId}` has been banned.",
"banErr": "Could not ban the user. Check if the ID is correct and if the bot has admin permissions.\n\n`{tgErr}`",
"unBanSuccess": "User with ID `{userId}` has been unbanned.",
"unBanErr": "Could not unban the user. Check if the ID is correct and if the bot has admin permissions.\n\n`{tgErr}`",
"isGay": "Yes, you are *gay*!",
"isNtGay": "Ah, you are not gay!",
"isFurry": "Yes, you are *furry*!",
"isNtFurry": "Ah, you are not a furry!",
"randomNum": "*Generated number (0-10):* `{number}`.",
"userInfo": "*User info*\n\n*Name:* `{userName}`\n*Username:* `{userHandle}`\n*User ID:* `{userId}`\n*Language:* `{userLang}`\n*Premium user:* `{userPremium}`",
"chatInfo": "*Chat info*\n\n*Name:* `{chatName}`\n*Chat ID:* `{chatId}`\n*Handle:* `{chatHandle}`\n*Type:* `{chatType}`\n*Members:* `{chatMembersCount}`\n*Is a forum:* `{isForum}`",
"funEmojiResult": "*You rolled {emoji} and got* `{value}`*!*\nYou don't know what that means? Me neither!",
"gifErr": "*Something went wrong while sending the GIF. Please try again later.*\n\n{err}",
"lastFm": "Last.fm",
"lastFmDesc": "*Last.fm*\n\n- /lt | /lmu | /last | /lfm: Shows the last song from your Last.fm profile + the number of plays.\n- /setuser `<user>`: Sets the user for the command above.",
"lastFmNoUser": "*Please provide a Last.fm username.*\nExample: `/setuser <username>`",
"lastFmNoSet": "*You haven't set your Last.fm username yet.*\nUse the command /setuser to set.\n\nExample: `/setuser <username>`",
"lastFmNoRecent": "*No recent tracks found for Last.fm user* `{lastfmUser}`*.*",
"lastFmListeningNow": "Listening now",
"lastFmUserSet": "*Your Last.fm username has been set to:* `{lastUser}`.",
"lastFmLastPlayed": "Last played",
"lastFmStatusFor": "*Last.fm status for user* {lastfmUser}*:*\n\n*{nowPlaying}*: {trackName} by {artistName} \n\n*Number of plays*: {plays}",
"lastFmErr": "*Error retrieving data for Last.fm user* {lastfmUser}.\n\n`{err}`",
"currentCommit": "*Current commit:* `{commitHash}`",
"errorRetrievingCommit": "*Error retrieving commit:* {error}",
"provideLocation": "*Please provide a location.*",
"invalidLocation": "*Invalid location. Try again.*",
"weatherStatus": "*Weather in {addressFirst}:*\n\n*Status:* `{getStatusEmoji(iconCode)} {wxPhraseLong}`\n*Temperature:* `{temperature} °{temperatureUnit}`\n*Feels like:* `{temperatureFeelsLike} °{temperatureUnit2}`\n*Humidity:* `{relativeHumidity}%`\n*Wind speed:* `{windSpeed} {speedUnit}`",
"weatherErr": "*An error occurred while retrieving the weather. Please try again later.*\n\n`{error}`",
"mainCommands": "Main commands",
"mainCommandsDesc": "*Main commands*\n\n- /help: Show bot's help\n- /start: Start the bot\n- /privacy: Read the bot's Privacy Policy",
"usefulCommands": "Useful commands",
"usefulCommandsDesc": "*Useful commands*\n\n- /chatinfo: Send information about the group\n- /userinfo: Send information about yourself\n- /d | /device `<model>`: Search for a device on GSMArena and show its specs.\n- /weather | /clima `<city>`: See weather status for a specific location.\n- /modarchive | /tma `<module id>`: Download a module from The Mod Archive.\n- /yt `<video link>`: Download an YouTube video (works with other plataforms too, check https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)",
"funnyCommands": "Funny commands",
"funnyCommandsDesc": "*Funny commands*\n\n- /gay: Check if you are gay\n- /furry: Check if you are a furry\n- /random: Pick a random number between 0-10\n- /soggy `<1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | orig | thumb | sticker | alt>`: Sends the [Soggy cat meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/soggy-cat)",
"interactiveEmojis": "Interactive emojis",
"interactiveEmojisDesc": "*Interactive emojis*\n\n- /dice: Roll a dice\n- /idice: Infinitely roll a colored dice\n- /slot: Try to combine the figures!\n- /ball: Try to kick the ball into the goal!\n- /bowling: Try to hit the pins!\n- /dart: Try to hit the target!",
"goBack": "Back",
"maInvalidModule": "Please provide a valid module ID from The Mod Archive.\nExample: `/modarchive 81574`",
"maDownloadError": "Error downloading the file. Check the module ID and try again.",
"ytDownloading": "*Downloading video...*",
"ytUploading": "*Uploading video...*",
"ytUploadDesc": "*[{userName}](tg://user?id={userId}), there is your downloaded video.*",
"ytDownloadErr": "*Error during YT video download:*\n\n`{err}`",
"ytUploadLimit": "*This video exceeds the 50 MB upload limit imposed by Telegram on our bot. Please try another video. We're doing our best to increase this limit.*",
"fileError": "Error uploading file",
"botUpdated": "Bot updated with success.",
"errorUpdatingBot": "Error updating bot\n\n{error}"
} |