# aidxnCC [![License: Unlicense](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Unlicense-blue.svg)](http://unlicense.org/) [![Build Status](https://git.pontusmail.org/aidan/aidxnCC/actions/workflows/bump.yml/badge.svg)](https://git.pontusmail.org/aidan/aidxnCC/actions/?workflow=bump.yml) aidxnCC is the third version of my personal website. It's built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. aidxnCC will always be a work in progress, though completely functional. ## Deploy with Vercel [![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fihatenodejs%2FaidxnCC&env=BRAINZ_USER_AGENT,LISTENBRAINZ_TOKEN&envDescription=You%20will%20need%20both%20a%20custom%20user%20agent%20(for%20identifying%20yourself%20to%20MusicBrainz)%2C%20and%20a%20ListenBrainz%20User%20Token.%20See%20the%20README%20for%20more%20information.&envLink=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.pontusmail.org%2Faidan%2FaidxnCC&project-name=aidxn-cc&repository-name=aidxnCC) To deploy with Vercel, simply click the button above. When prompted for environment variables, see the section below. **Own a server? Deploy on your own!** F*** Vercel, check out [Coolify](https://coolify.io/), a free and open-source alternative to Vercel. ## Contributing Any and all contributions are welcome! Simply create a pull request and I should have a response to you within a day. Please use common sense when contributing :) ## Environment Variables You will need some environment variables set to properly self-host aidxnCC. They are listed below. | Environment Variable | Description | Example | |----------------------|-------------|---------| | `BRAINZ_USER_AGENT` | User agent used to make requests to MusicBrainz (should include your contact info) | `aidxnCC/1.0 ( aidan@p0ntus.com )` | | `LISTENBRAINZ_TOKEN` | Your ListenBrainz user token (get this in [settings](https://listenbrainz.org/settings/)) | `0e0x0a0m-0p0l-0e0t-0o0k-0e0n00000000` | ## To-Do - [ ] Dockerize for easier deployment - [ ] Use MusicBrainz recording collections for displaying data about music