import React from 'react'; import BackButton from '../../../BackButton'; const WhatWasGoingOnLateSummer2024: React.FC = () => { return (

What was going on during the start of summer 2024?

During Early Summer 2024, I was walking a ton in towns all across Massachusetts. During this time, I would listen to a lot of music. I regret not finding out about LastFM for so long... During this time, I was always happy, especially when I had music or a YouTube video playing. I would also call my friends often during this time.


This summer was the one where I came back from my abusive treatment center. I was finally free from the place that had been holding me back for so long. So as you can imagine, I felt free as a bird.

With this chance to explore, being in so many different towns, I really had a good time and made good memories, which I will not be writing about.

); }; export default WhatWasGoingOnLateSummer2024;