import { BookOpen } from 'lucide-react' export default function About() { return (

Internet Manifesto

1. Empathy and Understanding

We live in a distant world. People I meet are from all over, which can be hard to understand for others. I aim to utilize my ability to connect by understanding and getting interested in people's lives. I pledge to:

2. Unconditional Sharing!

Information should be free and accessible to all. I will:

3. Genuine Human Connection

I aim to create a genuine human connection with all people I meet, regardless of who or where they are from.

4. Privacy & Self-Hosted Services

In terms of my personal (some public) services, I commit to never selling, viewing or sharing personal information with third parties or myself. I will:

I Commit

I am not perfect, that's for sure, but I am committed. I promise to continuously learn, grow, and adapt to my environment, goals, purpose, and the people around me.

) }