Have a weird obsession? Want a pre-built site you can use for free? Host aidxnFUN! As the code is available under the CC0-1.0 license, which means you should feel free and encouraged to change content, design, whatever!
A server will now start on port :5566, and be accessible from your web browser at http://localhost:5566/. I highly suggest creating a NGINX reverse proxy for this, especially if you plan to point this to a domain.
Windows-based hosts are only partially supported. I have no plans to write a script for Windows as of now, though that may change in the future, based on demand. However, `package.json` have bundled scripts to allow hosting on Windows. If you plan to host this website, I **STRONGLY** recommend that you use Linux.
You may use the `PORT` variable to set a custom port. While Windows tends to default to 3000, we will use 5566, which is the default for aidxnFUN on Linux.
The views contain both regular page shards (full-ish pages) and generic shards (fragments of pages, widgets, etc.). I define a "shard" as an EJS template, which are pieced together into a pretty little website. The shards hold individual elements like music widgets, while a regular page shard is the page that contains the music widget, which the end user sees. This is helpful for understanding the code.
Music (as featured on the home page) is fetched from an API (hosted on https://biancarosa.com.br), which I am in the process of setting up for myself. It works with a LastFM account (I linked this to my Spotify) and can track your live listening with amazing accuracy. The repo can be found at [biancarosa/lastfm-last-played](https://github.com/biancarosa/lastfm-last-played).
You may have noticed you have a `manage` file after cloning. `manage` is a command-line tool to manage the server. It can automatically start, stop, and restart your instance. This script only supports Linux-based systems.
I highly suggest you take a peek at the `node.log` file's contents. It's in the same directory as the `manage` script. This file contains the NodeJS server logs, which can be very helpful for debugging and/or troubleshooting.