fix/feat: clean installation process (use log file), require curl and lsof, minor clarity/design fixes

This commit is contained in:
Aidan 2025-03-07 21:15:15 -05:00
parent ef84204725
commit 1163c9e75b

View File

@ -20,23 +20,40 @@ function install_tools() {
# Perform updates
if [ "$DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}Updating package lists...${COLOR_RESET}"
sudo apt-get update
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Done.${COLOR_RESET}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2024
sudo apt-get update >> install.log
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Done.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
elif [ "$DISTRO" == "Arch Linux" ]; then
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}Updating package lists...${COLOR_RESET}"
sudo pacman -Sy
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Done.${COLOR_RESET}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2024
sudo pacman -Sy >> install.log
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Done.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
# Check for curl, and install if not found
if ! command_exists curl; then
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}curl is not installed. Installing now...${COLOR_RESET}"
if [ "$DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
sudo apt-get install curl -y >> install.log
elif [ "$DISTRO" == "Arch Linux" ]; then
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm curl >> install.log
echo -e "\n${COLOR_GREEN}curl installed successfully.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}curl is installed.${COLOR_RESET}"
# Check for NodeJS, and install if not found
if ! command_exists node; then
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}NodeJS is not installed. Installing now...${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}You may need to enter your sudo password.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
curl -o- | bash
curl -o >> install.log
chmod +x
bash >> install.log
rm # cleanup
# shellcheck disable=SC2155
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
nvm install 23
nvm install 23 >> install.log
echo -e "\n${COLOR_GREEN}NodeJS installed successfully.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}NodeJS is installed. Version: $(node -v)${COLOR_RESET}"
@ -45,30 +62,37 @@ function install_tools() {
# Check for Netcat, and install if not found
if ! command_exists nc; then
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Netcat is not installed. Installing now...${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}You may need to enter your sudo password.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
if [ "$DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
sudo apt-get install netcat-traditional -y
sudo apt-get install netcat-traditional -y >> install.log
elif [ "$DISTRO" == "Arch Linux" ]; then
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm netcat
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm netcat >> install.log
echo -e "\n${COLOR_GREEN}Netcat installed successfully.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Netcat is installed.${COLOR_RESET}"
# Check for lsof, and install if not found
if ! command_exists lsof && [ "$DISTRO" == "Arch Linux" ]; then
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}lsof is not installed. Installing now...${COLOR_RESET}"
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm lsof >> install.log
echo -e "\n${COLOR_GREEN}lsof installed successfully.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}lsof is installed.${COLOR_RESET}"
# Check for NPM, and install if not found
if ! command_exists npm; then
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}NPM is not installed. Installing now...${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}You may need to enter your sudo password.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
if [ "$DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
sudo apt-get install npm -y
sudo apt-get install npm -y >> install.log
elif [ "$DISTRO" == "Arch Linux" ]; then
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm npm
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm npm >> install.log
if [ ! -f "config.json" ]; then
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}Copying config file...${COLOR_RESET}"
if [ ! -f "config.json.example" ]; then
echo "Couldn't find example config file"
echo "${COLOR_RED}[!] Couldn't find example config file${COLOR_RESET}"
cp config.json.example config.json
@ -76,7 +100,7 @@ function install_tools() {
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}config file already exists, skipping.${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing NPM deps...${COLOR_RESET}"
npm install
npm install >> install.log
echo -e "\n${COLOR_GREEN}NPM installed successfully.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
@ -339,19 +363,24 @@ function setup() {
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}This script requires Node.js, NPM, and Netcat to be installed on your system.${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}This script requires Node.js, NPM, curl, lsof, and Netcat to be installed on your system.${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}It will attempt to install all of the required dependencies, although this might not work every time.${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}You may need to enter your sudo password.${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "\nPress any key to continue with tool installation..."
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""
# Execute install tool script
# Install NPM dependencies
npm install
echo -e "\n${COLOR_GREEN}Dependency installation complete!${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "\n${COLOR_BLUE}If you would like to view the install logs, please do so, or click [ENTER] to continue to the next step.${COLOR_RESET}\n"
# Install NPM dependencies
echo -e "\n${COLOR_BLUE}Installing NPM dependencies...${COLOR_RESET}"
npm install >> install.log
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Done.${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "\n\n${COLOR_GREEN}Dependency installation complete!${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}You can view the complete log of the installation process in the install.log file${COLOR_RESET}"
echo -e "\nPress [ENTER] to continue to the next step."
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""