%- include('shards/header', { title: 'Services - p0ntus mail' }) %>
p0ntus mail is an email server I personally host and manage, available free of charge to the public. p0ntus mail is free, and powered by user donations.
Here is what we have to offer you:
Each user gets 4 GB of storage, which can be increased upon request.
p0ntus mail is and will always be free of charge.
We use RSPAMD for spam protection to ensure your inbox stays clean.
p0ntus mail is personally managed and monitored for maximum uptime.
Upon creating your account, you will be allocated an account with the following:
You may request for additional storage, or increased account limits by contacting adminp0ntus.com. We operate under a "fair use" policy.
VaultwardenVaultwarden is a password manager that is included with your services. You can access it by visiting vaultwarden.p0ntus.com and creating a account.