<%- include('shards/header', { title: 'Request Status - p0ntus mail' }) %>
<%- include('shards/nav', { currentPage: 'request' }) %> Request Status
<% if (request) { %>

Request Status: <%= request.status %>

<% if (request.status === 'Approved') { %>

Your request has been approved. You can access your p0ntus mail account here with your email as the username and abcabc for the password. FOR SECURITY, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD ASAP.

I also suggest you check out our guides at mail.p0ntus.com/guides.

You can also access Vaultwarden at vaultwarden.p0ntus.com.

If you need any help or support, contact admin@p0ntus.com.

Your webmail can be accessed here.

<% } %> <% } else { %>

No request found for the provided email.

<% } %>
<%- include('shards/footer') %>