# This file needs to be executed by vendor_init at boot of the device, # both in normal and factory mode. on post-fs # Change ownership and permision of st nfc device chown nfc nfc /dev/st21nfc chmod 0660 /dev/st21nfc on property:ro.vendor.hw.nfc=true && property:persist.vendor.radio.multisim.config=* start vendor.stflashtool on property:ro.vendor.hw.nfc=st && property:persist.vendor.radio.multisim.config=* start vendor.stflashtool on property:ro.vendor.hw.nfc=ese_st && property:persist.vendor.radio.multisim.config=* start vendor.stflashtool service vendor.stflashtool /vendor/bin/STFlashTool -c /vendor/etc/st21nfc_conf.txt -P vendor.nfc.fw_status group nfc user nfc oneshot disabled