Michael Bestas
sm7325-common: Remove media_codecs_google_c2*
AOSP codecs can be used by default and it is not necessary to include
them device side.
Change-Id: I8227b06f0466b614f12fa9008402b92461ea3dd0
2024-09-25 20:42:36 -06:00
Aaron Kling
sm7325-common: Remove software omx codec references
These are no longer available as of Android 14 QPR3. The C2 codecs
available by default in the swcodec apex will be used instead.
Change-Id: I8cdf3e700823779a7382c66c3df8410d41209b7c
2024-09-25 20:42:36 -06:00
Emerson Honorato
sm7325-common: media: Switch to lahaina_vendor variants
Change-Id: Ibe86bca87905e9c8cc202f957590e9d25a5d50f2
2023-05-06 08:33:42 -06:00
Marc Bourgoin
sm7325-common: media: Update from tundra 12_S3SJS32.1-86-1-4
Change-Id: Id10be491caee5ec690b15ea722a8ae15b83a120d
2023-04-23 00:45:15 -06:00