* In Android 12, no longer allowed to shrink the process pool after a
larger process pool is started, we should patch camera postproc impl
to nuke it from shrinking process pool and prevent triggering a fatal
to cause the camera to crash.
Ref: 8e047f7a62.
* The following are the difference between before and after the
MOV W1, #1
BL ._ZN7android8hardware22configureRpcThreadpoolEmb
MOV W1, #1
* Obtained by comparing the camera postproc impl modified by
* A tutorial on use hexdump, sed and xxd to patch hex in
binary file: https://everydaywithlinux.blogspot.com/2012/11/patch-strings-in-binary-files-with-sed.html.
Co-authored-by: Erfan Abdi <erfangplus@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: TH779 <i@779.moe>
Change-Id: I66c257e80bf56a48c640efc3c1c8949852edf756
* moto-telephony.jar is a dependence of ims.apk and thus should locate
in system_ext as well.
* The rest jars are not needed as far as I observe.
Change-Id: I0711c0178906293179998eae70663de7b09a4a77