global_config { name default-file-untested } ring { #dB to attenuate playback to meet safety level at each volume step #16 steps total, 15...0. In case of truncated list, last attenuation #given will be applied to all lower volume steps attenuation 36,36,35,35,33,33,33,27,27,21,21,13,13,3,3,3 } voice { #dB to attenuate playback to meet safety level at each volume step #16 steps total, 15...0. In case of truncated list, last attenuation #given will be applied to all lower volume steps attenuation 36,36,35,35,33,33,33,27,27,21,21,13,13,3,3,3 } media { #dB to attenuate playback to meet safety level at each volume step #16 steps total, 15...0. In case of truncated list, last attenuation #given will be applied to all lower volume steps attenuation 36,36,35,35,33,33,33,27,27,21,21,13,13,3,3,3 }