/* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_LocationQapi" #include #include "log_util.h" #include "loc_cfg.h" #include "LocationClientApi.h" #include "qapi_location.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace loc_util; using namespace location_client; using Runnable = std::function; class QapiTimer : public LocTimer { public: QapiTimer() : LocTimer(), mStarted(false) {} inline ~QapiTimer() { stop(); } inline void set(const time_t waitTimeMs, const Runnable& runable) { mWaitTimeInMs = waitTimeMs; mRunnable = runable; } inline void start() { mStarted = true; LocTimer::start(mWaitTimeInMs, false); } inline void start(const time_t waitTimeSec) { mWaitTimeInMs = waitTimeSec * 1000; start(); } inline void stop() { if (mStarted) { LocTimer::stop(); mStarted = false; } } inline void restart() { stop(); start(); } inline void restart(const time_t waitTimeSec) { stop(); start(waitTimeSec); } inline bool isStarted() { return mStarted; } private: // Override inline virtual void timeOutCallback() override { mStarted = false; mRunnable(); } private: time_t mWaitTimeInMs; Runnable mRunnable; bool mStarted; }; static pthread_mutex_t qMutex; static bool qMutexInitDone = false; static LocationClientApi* pLocClientApi = nullptr; static LocationClientApi* pLocPassiveClientApi = nullptr; static QapiTimer mTimer; qapi_Location_Callbacks_t qLocationCallbacks; static qapi_Location_t qCacheLocation; static QapiTimer mPassiveTimer; static qapi_Location_Error_t get_qapi_error(LocationResponse err) { switch (err) { case LOCATION_RESPONSE_SUCCESS: return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; case LOCATION_RESPONSE_UNKOWN_FAILURE: return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; case LOCATION_RESPONSE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; default: return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } static int32_t copy_to_user_space_buffer( uint8_t* user_space_buffer, uint32_t user_space_buffer_size, uint8_t* data_ptr, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t offset) { if (offset >= user_space_buffer_size) { LOC_LOGe("Invalid offset %d, buffer size %d", offset, user_space_buffer_size); return -1; } memcpy((user_space_buffer + offset), data_ptr, data_size); return 0; } static void print_qLocation_array(qapi_Location_t* qLocationArray, uint32_t length) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { LOC_LOGv("LAT: %d.%d LON: %d.%d ALT: %d.%d ALT_MSL: %d.%d", (int)qLocationArray[i].latitude, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].latitude * 100000))) % 100000, (int)qLocationArray[i].longitude, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].longitude * 100000))) % 100000, (int)qLocationArray[i].altitude, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].altitude * 100))) % 100, (int)qLocationArray[i].altitudeMeanSeaLevel, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].altitudeMeanSeaLevel * 100))) % 100); LOC_LOGv("SPEED: %d.%d BEAR: %d.%d TIME: 0x%x%x FLAGS: %u", (int)qLocationArray[i].speed, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].speed * 100))) % 100, (int)qLocationArray[i].bearing, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].bearing * 100))) % 100, (int)(qLocationArray[i].timestamp >> 32), (int)qLocationArray[i].timestamp, qLocationArray[i].flags); LOC_LOGv("ACC: %d.%d VERT_ACC: %d.%d SPEED_ACC: %d.%d BEAR_ACC: %d.%d", (int)qLocationArray[i].accuracy, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].accuracy * 100))) % 100, (int)qLocationArray[i].verticalAccuracy, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].verticalAccuracy * 100))) % 100, (int)qLocationArray[i].speedAccuracy, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].speedAccuracy * 100))) % 100, (int)qLocationArray[i].bearingAccuracy, (abs((int)(qLocationArray[i].bearingAccuracy * 100))) % 100); } } static void print_qGnssData(qapi_Gnss_Data_t* qGnssData) { LOC_LOGv("JAMMER_GPS: %u JAMMER_GLONASS: %u", qGnssData->jammerInd[QAPI_GNSS_SV_TYPE_GPS], qGnssData->jammerInd[QAPI_GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS]); LOC_LOGv("JAMMER_BEIDOU: %u JAMMER_GALILEO: %u", qGnssData->jammerInd[QAPI_GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU], qGnssData->jammerInd[QAPI_GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO]); } static void location_capabilities_callback( LocationCapabilitiesMask capsMask) { LOC_LOGv("location_capabilities_callback!"); qLocationCallbacks.capabilitiesCb( (qapi_Location_Capabilities_Mask_t)capsMask); } static void location_response_callback( LocationResponse err) { qapi_Location_Error_t qErr; qErr = get_qapi_error(err); LOC_LOGv("location_response_callback!"); // hard-code id to 0 for now uint32_t id = 0; qLocationCallbacks.responseCb(qErr, id); } static void location_collective_response_callback( vector>& responses) { qapi_Location_Error_t* qLocationErrorArray = NULL; // hard-coded qLocationErrorArray = new qapi_Location_Error_t[5]; uint32_t* ids = new uint32_t[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { qLocationErrorArray[i] = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; } LOC_LOGd("Invoking Collective Response Cb"); qLocationCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb( 5, qLocationErrorArray, ids); delete[] qLocationErrorArray; delete[] ids; } static void location_tracking_callback( Location location) { qapi_Location_t qLocation = {}; bool bIsSingleShot = false; // first check if location is valid if (0 == location.flags) { LOC_LOGd("Ignore invalid location"); return; } if (mTimer.isStarted()) { LOC_LOGd("Timer was started, meaning this is singleshot"); if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { LOC_LOGd("Stop singleshot session"); pLocClientApi->stopPositionSession(); } LOC_LOGd("Stop singleshot timer"); mTimer.stop(); bIsSingleShot = true; } qLocation.size = sizeof(qapi_Location_t); qLocation.timestamp = location.timestamp; qLocation.latitude = location.latitude; qLocation.longitude = location.longitude; qLocation.altitude = location.altitude; // TODO // qLocation.altitudeMeanSeaLevel = location.altitudeMeanSeaLevel; qLocation.speed = location.speed; qLocation.bearing = location.bearing; qLocation.accuracy = location.horizontalAccuracy; qLocation.flags = location.flags; qLocation.flags &= ~QAPI_LOCATION_HAS_ALTITUDE_MSL_BIT; qLocation.verticalAccuracy = location.verticalAccuracy; qLocation.speedAccuracy = location.speedAccuracy; qLocation.bearingAccuracy = location.bearingAccuracy; print_qLocation_array(&qLocation, 1); if (bIsSingleShot) { LOC_LOGd("Invoking Singleshot Callback"); if (qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb) { qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb(qLocation, QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS); } else { LOC_LOGe("No singleshot cb registered"); } } else { LOC_LOGd("Invoking Tracking Callback"); if (qLocationCallbacks.trackingCb) { qLocationCallbacks.trackingCb(qLocation); } else { LOC_LOGe("No tracking cb registered"); } } } static void gnss_location_tracking_callback( GnssLocation gnsslocation) { qapi_Location_t qLocation = {}; bool bIsSingleShot = false; // first check if location is valid if (0 == gnsslocation.flags) { LOC_LOGd("Ignore invalid location"); return; } if (mTimer.isStarted()) { LOC_LOGd("Timer was started, meaning this is singleshot"); if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { LOC_LOGd("Stop singleshot session"); pLocClientApi->stopPositionSession(); } LOC_LOGd("Stop singleshot timer"); mTimer.stop(); bIsSingleShot = true; } qLocation.size = sizeof(qapi_Location_t); qLocation.timestamp = gnsslocation.timestamp; qLocation.latitude = gnsslocation.latitude; qLocation.longitude = gnsslocation.longitude; qLocation.altitude = gnsslocation.altitude; qLocation.altitudeMeanSeaLevel = gnsslocation.altitudeMeanSeaLevel; qLocation.speed = gnsslocation.speed; qLocation.bearing = gnsslocation.bearing; qLocation.accuracy = gnsslocation.horizontalAccuracy; qLocation.flags = gnsslocation.flags; if (gnsslocation.gnssInfoFlags & GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_ALTITUDE_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL_BIT) { qLocation.flags |= QAPI_LOCATION_HAS_ALTITUDE_MSL_BIT; } qLocation.verticalAccuracy = gnsslocation.verticalAccuracy; qLocation.speedAccuracy = gnsslocation.speedAccuracy; qLocation.bearingAccuracy = gnsslocation.bearingAccuracy; print_qLocation_array(&qLocation, 1); if (bIsSingleShot) { LOC_LOGd("Invoking Singleshot Callback"); if (qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb) { qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb(qLocation, QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS); } else { LOC_LOGe("No singleshot cb registered"); } } else { LOC_LOGd("Invoking Tracking Callback"); if (qLocationCallbacks.trackingCb) { qLocationCallbacks.trackingCb(qLocation); } else { LOC_LOGe("No tracking cb registered"); } } } static void loc_passive_capabilities_callback( LocationCapabilitiesMask capsMask) { LOC_LOGv("loc_passive_capabilities_callback!"); } static void loc_passive_tracking_callback( GnssLocation gnsslocation) { qCacheLocation.size = sizeof(qapi_Location_t); qCacheLocation.timestamp = gnsslocation.timestamp; qCacheLocation.latitude = gnsslocation.latitude; qCacheLocation.longitude = gnsslocation.longitude; qCacheLocation.altitude = gnsslocation.altitude; qCacheLocation.altitudeMeanSeaLevel = gnsslocation.altitudeMeanSeaLevel; qCacheLocation.speed = gnsslocation.speed; qCacheLocation.bearing = gnsslocation.bearing; qCacheLocation.accuracy = gnsslocation.horizontalAccuracy; qCacheLocation.flags = gnsslocation.flags; if (gnsslocation.gnssInfoFlags & GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_ALTITUDE_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL_BIT) { qCacheLocation.flags |= QAPI_LOCATION_HAS_ALTITUDE_MSL_BIT; } qCacheLocation.flags |= QAPI_LOCATION_IS_BEST_AVAIL_POS_BIT; qCacheLocation.verticalAccuracy = gnsslocation.verticalAccuracy; qCacheLocation.speedAccuracy = gnsslocation.speedAccuracy; qCacheLocation.bearingAccuracy = gnsslocation.bearingAccuracy; print_qLocation_array(&qCacheLocation, 1); } static void loc_passive_response_callback( LocationResponse err) { LOC_LOGv("loc_passive_response_callback!"); } struct MyClientCallbacks { CapabilitiesCb capabilitycb; ResponseCb responsecb; CollectiveResponseCb collectivecb; LocationCb locationcb; }; static MyClientCallbacks gLocationCallbacks = { location_capabilities_callback, location_response_callback, location_collective_response_callback, location_tracking_callback, }; #define LOC_PATH_QAPI_CONF_STR "/etc/qapi.conf" const char LOC_PATH_QAPI_CONF[] = LOC_PATH_QAPI_CONF_STR; static uint32_t gDebug = 0; static uint32_t gSingleshotTimeout = 0; static const loc_param_s_type gConfigTable[] = { { "DEBUG_LEVEL", &gDebug, NULL, 'n' } }; static const loc_param_s_type gQapiConfigTable[] = { { "SINGLESHOT_TIMEOUT", &gSingleshotTimeout, NULL, 'n' } }; /* Parameters we need in a configuration file specifically for QAPI: SINGLESHOT_TIMEOUT */ extern "C" { qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Init( qapi_loc_client_id* pClientId, const qapi_Location_Callbacks_t* pCallbacks) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; // read configuration file UTIL_READ_CONF(LOC_PATH_GPS_CONF, gConfigTable); LOC_LOGd("gDebug=%u LOC_PATH_GPS_CONF=%s", gDebug, LOC_PATH_GPS_CONF); UTIL_READ_CONF(LOC_PATH_QAPI_CONF, gQapiConfigTable); LOC_LOGd("gSingleshotTimeout=%u LOC_PATH_QAPI_CONF=%s", gSingleshotTimeout, LOC_PATH_QAPI_CONF); MyClientCallbacks locationCallbacks = gLocationCallbacks; LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Init! pCallbacks %p" "cap %p res %p col %p trk %p", pCallbacks, pCallbacks->capabilitiesCb, pCallbacks->responseCb, pCallbacks->collectiveResponseCb, pCallbacks->trackingCb); LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Init! pCallbacks %p" "bat %p gf %p ss %p gd %p", pCallbacks, pCallbacks->batchingCb, pCallbacks->geofenceBreachCb, pCallbacks->singleShotCb, pCallbacks->gnssDataCb); if (!qMutexInitDone) { pthread_mutex_init(&qMutex, NULL); qMutexInitDone = true; } /* Input sanity */ if (NULL == pCallbacks->capabilitiesCb || NULL == pCallbacks->responseCb || NULL == pCallbacks->collectiveResponseCb) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING; } /* Don't register callbacks not provided by client */ if (NULL == pCallbacks->trackingCb) { locationCallbacks.locationcb = NULL; } pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); do { qLocationCallbacks = *pCallbacks; if (nullptr == pLocClientApi) { pLocClientApi = new LocationClientApi( location_capabilities_callback); retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED; } /* Start passive listener here in order to be able to satisfy qapi_Loc_Get_Best_Available_Position call */ if (nullptr == pLocPassiveClientApi) { pLocPassiveClientApi = new LocationClientApi( loc_passive_capabilities_callback); retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; bool ret; memset(&qCacheLocation, 0, sizeof(qCacheLocation)); qCacheLocation.flags |= QAPI_LOCATION_IS_BEST_AVAIL_POS_BIT; GnssReportCbs gnnsReportCbs; memset(&gnnsReportCbs, 0, sizeof(gnnsReportCbs)); gnnsReportCbs.gnssLocationCallback = loc_passive_tracking_callback; ret = pLocPassiveClientApi->startPositionSession( 0, // both 0 means passive listener gnnsReportCbs, loc_passive_response_callback); if (!ret) { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } else { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED; } *pClientId = 0; } while (0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Deinit( qapi_loc_client_id clientId) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; LOC_LOGd("gDebug=%u LOC_PATH_GPS_CONF=%s", gDebug, LOC_PATH_GPS_CONF); LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Deinit client %d", clientId); pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { delete pLocClientApi; pLocClientApi = nullptr; retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Set_User_Buffer( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint8_t* pUserBuffer, size_t bufferSize) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Start_Tracking( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, const qapi_Location_Options_t* pOptions, uint32_t* pSessionId) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Start_Tracking! pOptions=%p pSessionId=%p clientId=%d", pOptions, pSessionId, clientId); pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); do { if (NULL == pOptions) { LOC_LOGe("pOptions NULL"); retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Start_Tracking! minInterval=%d minDistance=%d", pOptions->minInterval, pOptions->minDistance); if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { bool ret; ret = pLocClientApi->startPositionSession( pOptions->minInterval, pOptions->minDistance, location_tracking_callback, location_response_callback); if (!ret) { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } else { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } while (0); *pSessionId = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Stop_Tracking( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; LOC_LOGv("qapi_Loc_Stop_Tracking! clientId %d, sessionId %d", clientId, sessionId); pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { pLocClientApi->stopPositionSession(); } else { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Update_Tracking_Options( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId, const qapi_Location_Options_t* pOptions) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Start_Batching( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, const qapi_Location_Options_t* pOptions, uint32_t* pSessionId) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Stop_Batching( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Update_Batching_Options( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId, const qapi_Location_Options_t* pOptions) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Get_Batched_Locations( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId, size_t count) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Add_Geofences( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, size_t count, const qapi_Geofence_Option_t* pOptions, const qapi_Geofence_Info_t* pInfo, uint32_t** pIdArray) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Remove_Geofences( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, size_t count, const uint32_t* pIDs) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Modify_Geofences( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, size_t count, const uint32_t* pIDs, const qapi_Geofence_Option_t* options) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Pause_Geofences( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, size_t count, const uint32_t* pIDs) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Resume_Geofences( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, size_t count, const uint32_t* pIDs) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Get_Single_Shot( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, qapi_Location_Power_Level_t powerLevel, uint32_t* pSessionId) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; bool bFound = false; qapi_Location_Options_t options; LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Get_Single_Shot! pSessionId=%p clientId=%d", pSessionId, clientId); pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); do { if (QAPI_LOCATION_POWER_HIGH != powerLevel && QAPI_LOCATION_POWER_LOW != powerLevel) { LOC_LOGe("powerLevel is invalid"); retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } LOC_LOGd("qapi_Loc_Get_Single_Shot! powerLevel=%d", powerLevel); GnssReportCbs gnnsReportCbs; memset(&gnnsReportCbs, 0, sizeof(gnnsReportCbs)); gnnsReportCbs.gnssLocationCallback = gnss_location_tracking_callback; if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { bool ret; ret = pLocClientApi->startPositionSession( 1000, gnnsReportCbs, location_response_callback); if (!ret) { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } else { Runnable timerRunnable = [pLocClientApi] { pLocClientApi->stopPositionSession(); if (qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb) { qapi_Location_t qLocation; qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb(qLocation, QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_TIMEOUT); } else { LOC_LOGe("No singleshot cb registered"); } }; mTimer.set(gSingleshotTimeout, timerRunnable); mTimer.start(); } } else { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } while (0); *pSessionId = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Cancel_Single_Shot( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; LOC_LOGv("qapi_Loc_Cancel_Single_Shot! clientId %d, sessionId %d", clientId, sessionId); pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); if (mTimer.isStarted()) { LOC_LOGd("Timer was started, singleshot session in progress"); if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { LOC_LOGd("Stop singleshot session"); pLocClientApi->stopPositionSession(); } LOC_LOGd("Stop singleshot timer"); mTimer.stop(); } else { LOC_LOGd("No singleshot session in progress!"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Start_Get_Gnss_Data( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t* pSessionId) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Stop_Get_Gnss_Data( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t sessionId) { return QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } qapi_Location_Error_t qapi_Loc_Get_Best_Available_Position( qapi_loc_client_id clientId, uint32_t* pSessionId) { qapi_Location_Error_t retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; LOC_LOGv("qapi_Loc_Get_Best_Available_Position! clientId %d", clientId); pthread_mutex_lock(&qMutex); do { if (nullptr != pLocClientApi) { Runnable timerRunnable = [] { if (qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb) { qLocationCallbacks.singleShotCb(qCacheLocation, QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS); } else { LOC_LOGe("No singleshot cb registered"); } }; mPassiveTimer.set(500, timerRunnable); mPassiveTimer.start(); } else { retVal = QAPI_LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } while (0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&qMutex); return retVal; } } /* extern "C" */