/* Copyright (c) 2011-2014, 2016-2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* Changes from Qualcomm Innovation Center are provided under the following license: Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_LocAdapterBase" #include #include #include #include #include namespace loc_core { // This is the top level class, so the constructor will // always gets called. Here we prepare for the default. // But if getLocApi(targetEnumType target) is overriden, // the right locApi should get created. LocAdapterBase::LocAdapterBase(const LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T mask, ContextBase* context, bool isMaster, LocAdapterProxyBase *adapterProxyBase, bool waitForDoneInit) : mIsMaster(isMaster), mEvtMask(mask), mContext(context), mLocApi(context->getLocApi()), mLocAdapterProxyBase(adapterProxyBase), mMsgTask(context->getMsgTask()), mIsEngineCapabilitiesKnown(ContextBase::sIsEngineCapabilitiesKnown) { LOC_LOGd("waitForDoneInit: %d", waitForDoneInit); if (!waitForDoneInit) { mLocApi->addAdapter(this); mAdapterAdded = true; } else { mAdapterAdded = false; } } uint32_t LocAdapterBase::mSessionIdCounter(1); uint32_t LocAdapterBase::generateSessionId() { if (++mSessionIdCounter == 0xFFFFFFFF) mSessionIdCounter = 1; return mSessionIdCounter; } void LocAdapterBase::handleEngineUpEvent() { if (mLocAdapterProxyBase) { mLocAdapterProxyBase->handleEngineUpEvent(); } } void LocAdapterBase::handleEngineDownEvent() { if (mLocAdapterProxyBase) { mLocAdapterProxyBase->handleEngineDownEvent(); } } void LocAdapterBase:: reportPositionEvent(const UlpLocation& location, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask loc_technology_mask, GnssDataNotification* pDataNotify __unused, int msInWeek __unused) { if (mLocAdapterProxyBase != NULL) { mLocAdapterProxyBase->reportPositionEvent((UlpLocation&)location, (GpsLocationExtended&)locationExtended, status, loc_technology_mask); } else { DEFAULT_IMPL() } } void LocAdapterBase:: reportSvEvent(const GnssSvNotification& /*svNotify*/, bool /*fromEngineHub*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase:: reportSvPolynomialEvent(GnssSvPolynomial &/*svPolynomial*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase:: reportSvEphemerisEvent(GnssSvEphemerisReport &/*svEphemeris*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase:: reportStatus(LocGpsStatusValue /*status*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase:: reportNmeaEvent(const char* /*nmea*/, size_t /*length*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase:: reportDataEvent(const GnssDataNotification& /*dataNotify*/, int /*msInWeek*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() bool LocAdapterBase:: reportXtraServer(const char* /*url1*/, const char* /*url2*/, const char* /*url3*/, const int /*maxlength*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) void LocAdapterBase:: reportLocationSystemInfoEvent(const LocationSystemInfo& /*locationSystemInfo*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() bool LocAdapterBase:: requestXtraData() DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: requestTime() DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: requestLocation() DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: requestATL(int /*connHandle*/, LocAGpsType /*agps_type*/, LocApnTypeMask /*apn_type_mask*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: releaseATL(int /*connHandle*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: requestNiNotifyEvent(const GnssNiNotification &/*notify*/, const void* /*data*/, const LocInEmergency /*emergencyState*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) void LocAdapterBase:: reportGnssMeasurementsEvent(const GnssMeasurements& /*gnssMeasurements*/, int /*msInWeek*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() bool LocAdapterBase:: reportWwanZppFix(LocGpsLocation &/*zppLoc*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: reportZppBestAvailableFix(LocGpsLocation& /*zppLoc*/, GpsLocationExtended& /*location_extended*/, LocPosTechMask /*tech_mask*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) void LocAdapterBase::reportGnssSvIdConfigEvent(const GnssSvIdConfig& /*config*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::reportGnssSvTypeConfigEvent(const GnssSvTypeConfig& /*config*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::reportGnssConfigEvent(uint32_t, /* session id*/ const GnssConfig& /*gnssConfig*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() bool LocAdapterBase:: requestOdcpiEvent(OdcpiRequestInfo& /*request*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: reportGnssEngEnergyConsumedEvent(uint64_t /*energyConsumedSinceFirstBoot*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: reportDeleteAidingDataEvent(GnssAidingData & /*aidingData*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: reportKlobucharIonoModelEvent(GnssKlobucharIonoModel& /*ionoModel*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) bool LocAdapterBase:: reportGnssAdditionalSystemInfoEvent(GnssAdditionalSystemInfo& /*additionalSystemInfo*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) void LocAdapterBase:: reportNfwNotificationEvent(GnssNfwNotification& /*notification*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::geofenceBreachEvent(size_t /*count*/, uint32_t* /*hwIds*/, Location& /*location*/, GeofenceBreachType /*breachType*/, uint64_t /*timestamp*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::geofenceStatusEvent(GeofenceStatusAvailable /*available*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::reportLocationsEvent(const Location* /*locations*/, size_t /*count*/, BatchingMode /*batchingMode*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::reportCompletedTripsEvent(uint32_t /*accumulated_distance*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::reportBatchStatusChangeEvent(BatchingStatus /*batchStatus*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::reportPositionEvent(UlpLocation& /*location*/, GpsLocationExtended& /*locationExtended*/, enum loc_sess_status /*status*/, LocPosTechMask /*loc_technology_mask*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::saveClient(LocationAPI* client, const LocationCallbacks& callbacks) { mClientData[client] = callbacks; updateClientsEventMask(); } void LocAdapterBase::eraseClient(LocationAPI* client) { auto it = mClientData.find(client); if (it != mClientData.end()) { mClientData.erase(it); } updateClientsEventMask(); } LocationCallbacks LocAdapterBase::getClientCallbacks(LocationAPI* client) { LocationCallbacks callbacks = {}; auto it = mClientData.find(client); if (it != mClientData.end()) { callbacks = it->second; } return callbacks; } LocationCapabilitiesMask LocAdapterBase::getCapabilities() { LocationCapabilitiesMask mask = 0; if (isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { // time based tracking always supported mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_TIME_BASED_TRACKING_BIT; if (ContextBase::isMessageSupported( LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_LOCATION_BATCHING)){ mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_TIME_BASED_BATCHING_BIT | LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_DISTANCE_BASED_BATCHING_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isMessageSupported(LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_TRACKING)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_DISTANCE_BASED_TRACKING_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isMessageSupported(LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_OUTDOOR_TRIP_BATCHING)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_OUTDOOR_TRIP_BATCHING_BIT; } // geofence always supported mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GEOFENCE_BIT; if (ContextBase::gnssConstellationConfig()) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GNSS_MEASUREMENTS_BIT; } uint32_t carrierCapabilities = ContextBase::getCarrierCapabilities(); if (carrierCapabilities & LOC_GPS_CAPABILITY_MSB) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GNSS_MSB_BIT; } if (LOC_GPS_CAPABILITY_MSA & carrierCapabilities) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GNSS_MSA_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_DEBUG_NMEA_V02)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_DEBUG_NMEA_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_V02)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_AGPM_V02)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_AGPM_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_LOCATION_PRIVACY)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_PRIVACY_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_MEASUREMENTS_CORRECTION)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_MEASUREMENTS_CORRECTION_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_ROBUST_LOCATION)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_CONFORMITY_INDEX_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_EDGNSS)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_EDGNSS_BIT; } if ((ContextBase::getQwesFeatureStatus() & LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_QWES_PPE)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_QWES_PPE; } //Get QWES feature status mask mask |= ContextBase::getQwesFeatureStatus(); //Get HW feature status mask LocationHwCapabilitiesMask hwMask = ContextBase::getHwCapabilitiesMask(); if ((hwMask & LOCATION_WIFI_CAPABILITY_RTT) != 0) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_WIFI_RTT_POSITIONING; } if ((hwMask & LOCATION_WIFI_CAPABILITY_RSSI) != 0) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_WIFI_RSSI_POSITIONING; } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s]: attempt to get capabilities before they are known.", __func__); } return mask; } void LocAdapterBase::broadcastCapabilities(LocationCapabilitiesMask mask) { for (auto clientData : mClientData) { if (nullptr != clientData.second.capabilitiesCb) { clientData.second.capabilitiesCb(mask); } } } void LocAdapterBase::updateClientsEventMask() DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::stopClientSessions(LocationAPI* /*client*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() void LocAdapterBase::addClientCommand(LocationAPI* client, const LocationCallbacks& callbacks) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p", __func__, client); struct MsgAddClient : public LocMsg { LocAdapterBase& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; const LocationCallbacks mCallbacks; inline MsgAddClient(LocAdapterBase& adapter, LocationAPI* client, const LocationCallbacks& callbacks) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client), mCallbacks(callbacks) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.saveClient(mClient, mCallbacks); } }; sendMsg(new MsgAddClient(*this, client, callbacks)); } void LocAdapterBase::removeClientCommand(LocationAPI* client, removeClientCompleteCallback rmClientCb) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p", __func__, client); struct MsgRemoveClient : public LocMsg { LocAdapterBase& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; removeClientCompleteCallback mRmClientCb; inline MsgRemoveClient(LocAdapterBase& adapter, LocationAPI* client, removeClientCompleteCallback rmCb) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client), mRmClientCb(rmCb){} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.stopClientSessions(mClient); mAdapter.eraseClient(mClient); if (nullptr != mRmClientCb) { (mRmClientCb)(mClient); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgRemoveClient(*this, client, rmClientCb)); } void LocAdapterBase::requestCapabilitiesCommand(LocationAPI* client) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgRequestCapabilities : public LocMsg { LocAdapterBase& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; inline MsgRequestCapabilities(LocAdapterBase& adapter, LocationAPI* client) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!mAdapter.isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { mAdapter.mPendingMsgs.push_back(new MsgRequestCapabilities(*this)); return; } LocationCallbacks callbacks = mAdapter.getClientCallbacks(mClient); if (callbacks.capabilitiesCb != nullptr) { callbacks.capabilitiesCb(mAdapter.getCapabilities()); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgRequestCapabilities(*this, client)); } void LocAdapterBase::reportLatencyInfoEvent(const GnssLatencyInfo& /*gnssLatencyInfo*/) DEFAULT_IMPL() bool LocAdapterBase:: reportQwesCapabilities(const std::unordered_map &/*featureMap*/) DEFAULT_IMPL(false) } // namespace loc_core