/* Copyright (c) 2015-2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_SystemStatusOsObserver" #include #include #include #include #include namespace loc_core { template COUT SystemStatusOsObserver::containerTransfer(CINT& inContainer) { COUT outContainer = {}; for (auto item : inContainer) { outContainer.insert(outContainer.begin(), item); } return outContainer; } SystemStatusOsObserver::~SystemStatusOsObserver() { // Destroy cache for (auto each : mDataItemCache) { if (nullptr != each.second) { delete each.second; } } mDataItemCache.clear(); } void SystemStatusOsObserver::setSubscriptionObj(IDataItemSubscription* subscriptionObj) { struct SetSubsObj : public LocMsg { ObserverContext& mContext; IDataItemSubscription* mSubsObj; inline SetSubsObj(ObserverContext& context, IDataItemSubscription* subscriptionObj) : mContext(context), mSubsObj(subscriptionObj) {} void proc() const { LOC_LOGi("SetSubsObj::enter"); mContext.mSubscriptionObj = mSubsObj; if (!mContext.mSSObserver->mDataItemToClients.empty()) { list dis( containerTransfer, list>( mContext.mSSObserver->mDataItemToClients.getKeys())); mContext.mSubscriptionObj->subscribe(dis, mContext.mSSObserver); mContext.mSubscriptionObj->requestData(dis, mContext.mSSObserver); } LOC_LOGi("SetSubsObj::exit"); } }; if (nullptr == subscriptionObj) { LOC_LOGw("subscriptionObj is NULL"); } else { mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg(new SetSubsObj(mContext, subscriptionObj)); } } /****************************************************************************** IDataItemSubscription Overrides ******************************************************************************/ void SystemStatusOsObserver::subscribe(const list& l, IDataItemObserver* client, bool toRequestData) { struct HandleSubscribeReq : public LocMsg { inline HandleSubscribeReq(SystemStatusOsObserver* parent, list& l, IDataItemObserver* client, bool requestData) : mParent(parent), mClient(client), mDataItemSet(containerTransfer, unordered_set>(l)), diItemlist(l), mToRequestData(requestData) {} void proc() const { unordered_set dataItemsToSubscribe = {}; mParent->mDataItemToClients.add(mDataItemSet, {mClient}, &dataItemsToSubscribe); mParent->mClientToDataItems.add(mClient, mDataItemSet); mParent->sendCachedDataItems(mDataItemSet, mClient); // Send subscription set to framework if (nullptr != mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj) { if (mToRequestData) { LOC_LOGd("Request Data sent to framework for the following"); mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj->requestData(diItemlist, mParent); } else if (!dataItemsToSubscribe.empty()) { LOC_LOGd("Subscribe Request sent to framework for the following"); mParent->logMe(dataItemsToSubscribe); mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj->subscribe( containerTransfer, list>( std::move(dataItemsToSubscribe)), mParent); } } } mutable SystemStatusOsObserver* mParent; IDataItemObserver* mClient; const unordered_set mDataItemSet; const list diItemlist; bool mToRequestData; }; if (l.empty() || nullptr == client) { LOC_LOGw("Data item set is empty or client is nullptr"); } else { mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg( new HandleSubscribeReq(this, (list&)l, client, toRequestData)); } } void SystemStatusOsObserver::updateSubscription( const list& l, IDataItemObserver* client) { struct HandleUpdateSubscriptionReq : public LocMsg { HandleUpdateSubscriptionReq(SystemStatusOsObserver* parent, list& l, IDataItemObserver* client) : mParent(parent), mClient(client), mDataItemSet(containerTransfer, unordered_set>(l)) {} void proc() const { unordered_set dataItemsToSubscribe = {}; unordered_set dataItemsToUnsubscribe = {}; unordered_set clients({mClient}); // below removes clients from all entries keyed with the return of the // mClientToDataItems.update() call. If leaving an empty set of clients as the // result, the entire entry will be removed. dataItemsToUnsubscribe will be // populated to keep the keys of the removed entries. mParent->mDataItemToClients.trimOrRemove( // this call updates map; removes // the DataItemId's that are not new to the clietn from mDataItemSet; // and returns a set of mDataItemSet's that are no longer used by client. // This unused set of mDataItemSet's is passed to trimOrRemove method of // map to remove the client from the // corresponding entries, and gets a set of the entries that are // removed from the map as a result. mParent->mClientToDataItems.update(mClient, (unordered_set&)mDataItemSet), clients, &dataItemsToUnsubscribe, nullptr); // below adds mClient to map, and populates // new keys added to that map, which are DataItemIds to be subscribed. mParent->mDataItemToClients.add(mDataItemSet, clients, &dataItemsToSubscribe); // Send First Response mParent->sendCachedDataItems(mDataItemSet, mClient); if (nullptr != mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj) { // Send subscription set to framework if (!dataItemsToSubscribe.empty()) { LOC_LOGd("Subscribe Request sent to framework for the following"); mParent->logMe(dataItemsToSubscribe); mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj->subscribe( containerTransfer, list>( std::move(dataItemsToSubscribe)), mParent); } // Send unsubscribe to framework if (!dataItemsToUnsubscribe.empty()) { LOC_LOGd("Unsubscribe Request sent to framework for the following"); mParent->logMe(dataItemsToUnsubscribe); mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj->unsubscribe( containerTransfer, list>( std::move(dataItemsToUnsubscribe)), mParent); } } } SystemStatusOsObserver* mParent; IDataItemObserver* mClient; unordered_set mDataItemSet; }; if (l.empty() || nullptr == client) { LOC_LOGw("Data item set is empty or client is nullptr"); } else { mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg( new HandleUpdateSubscriptionReq(this, (list&)l, client)); } } void SystemStatusOsObserver::unsubscribe( const list& l, IDataItemObserver* client) { struct HandleUnsubscribeReq : public LocMsg { HandleUnsubscribeReq(SystemStatusOsObserver* parent, list& l, IDataItemObserver* client) : mParent(parent), mClient(client), mDataItemSet(containerTransfer, unordered_set>(l)) {} void proc() const { unordered_set dataItemsUnusedByClient = {}; unordered_set clientToRemove = {}; unordered_set dataItemsToUnsubscribe = {}; mParent->mClientToDataItems.trimOrRemove({mClient}, mDataItemSet, &clientToRemove, &dataItemsUnusedByClient); mParent->mDataItemToClients.trimOrRemove(dataItemsUnusedByClient, {mClient}, &dataItemsToUnsubscribe, nullptr); if (nullptr != mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj && !dataItemsToUnsubscribe.empty()) { LOC_LOGd("Unsubscribe Request sent to framework for the following data items"); mParent->logMe(dataItemsToUnsubscribe); // Send unsubscribe to framework mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj->unsubscribe( containerTransfer, list>( std::move(dataItemsToUnsubscribe)), mParent); } } SystemStatusOsObserver* mParent; IDataItemObserver* mClient; unordered_set mDataItemSet; }; if (l.empty() || nullptr == client) { LOC_LOGw("Data item set is empty or client is nullptr"); } else { mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg(new HandleUnsubscribeReq(this, (list&)l, client)); } } void SystemStatusOsObserver::unsubscribeAll(IDataItemObserver* client) { struct HandleUnsubscribeAllReq : public LocMsg { HandleUnsubscribeAllReq(SystemStatusOsObserver* parent, IDataItemObserver* client) : mParent(parent), mClient(client) {} void proc() const { unordered_set diByClient = mParent->mClientToDataItems.getValSet(mClient); if (!diByClient.empty()) { unordered_set dataItemsToUnsubscribe; mParent->mClientToDataItems.remove(mClient); mParent->mDataItemToClients.trimOrRemove(diByClient, {mClient}, &dataItemsToUnsubscribe, nullptr); if (!dataItemsToUnsubscribe.empty() && nullptr != mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj) { LOC_LOGd("Unsubscribe Request sent to framework for the following data items"); mParent->logMe(dataItemsToUnsubscribe); // Send unsubscribe to framework mParent->mContext.mSubscriptionObj->unsubscribe( containerTransfer, list>( std::move(dataItemsToUnsubscribe)), mParent); } } } SystemStatusOsObserver* mParent; IDataItemObserver* mClient; }; if (nullptr == client) { LOC_LOGw("Data item set is empty or client is nullptr"); } else { mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg(new HandleUnsubscribeAllReq(this, client)); } } /****************************************************************************** IDataItemObserver Overrides ******************************************************************************/ void SystemStatusOsObserver::notify(const list& dlist) { struct HandleNotify : public LocMsg { HandleNotify(SystemStatusOsObserver* parent, vector& v) : mParent(parent), mDiVec(std::move(v)) {} inline virtual ~HandleNotify() { for (auto item : mDiVec) { delete item; } } void proc() const { // Update Cache with received data items and prepare // list of data items to be sent. unordered_set dataItemIdsToBeSent = {}; for (auto item : mDiVec) { if (mParent->updateCache(item)) { dataItemIdsToBeSent.insert(item->getId()); } } // Send data item to all subscribed clients unordered_set clientSet = {}; for (auto each : dataItemIdsToBeSent) { auto clients = mParent->mDataItemToClients.getValSetPtr(each); if (nullptr != clients) { clientSet.insert(clients->begin(), clients->end()); } } for (auto client : clientSet) { unordered_set dataItemIdsForThisClient( mParent->mClientToDataItems.getValSet(client)); for (auto itr = dataItemIdsForThisClient.begin(); itr != dataItemIdsForThisClient.end(); ) { if (dataItemIdsToBeSent.find(*itr) == dataItemIdsToBeSent.end()) { itr = dataItemIdsForThisClient.erase(itr); } else { itr++; } } mParent->sendCachedDataItems(dataItemIdsForThisClient, client); } } SystemStatusOsObserver* mParent; const vector mDiVec; }; if (!dlist.empty()) { vector dataItemVec; for (auto each : dlist) { IDataItemCore* di = DataItemsFactoryProxy::createNewDataItem(each); if (nullptr == di) { LOC_LOGw("Unable to create dataitem:%d", each->getId()); continue; } // add this dataitem if updated from last one dataItemVec.push_back(di); IF_LOC_LOGD { string dv; di->stringify(dv); LOC_LOGd("notify: DataItem In Value:%s", dv.c_str()); } } if (!dataItemVec.empty()) { mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg(new HandleNotify(this, dataItemVec)); } } } /****************************************************************************** IFrameworkActionReq Overrides ******************************************************************************/ void SystemStatusOsObserver::turnOn(DataItemId dit, int timeOut) { if (nullptr == mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj) { LOC_LOGe("Framework action request object is NULL"); return; } // Check if data item exists in mActiveRequestCount DataItemIdToInt::iterator citer = mActiveRequestCount.find(dit); if (citer == mActiveRequestCount.end()) { // Data item not found in map // Add reference count as 1 and add dataitem to map pair cpair(dit, 1); mActiveRequestCount.insert(cpair); LOC_LOGd("Sending turnOn request"); // Send action turn on to framework struct HandleTurnOnMsg : public LocMsg { HandleTurnOnMsg(IFrameworkActionReq* framework, DataItemId dit, int timeOut) : mFrameworkActionReqObj(framework), mDataItemId(dit), mTimeOut(timeOut) {} virtual ~HandleTurnOnMsg() {} void proc() const { mFrameworkActionReqObj->turnOn(mDataItemId, mTimeOut); } IFrameworkActionReq* mFrameworkActionReqObj; DataItemId mDataItemId; int mTimeOut; }; mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg( new (nothrow) HandleTurnOnMsg(mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj, dit, timeOut)); } else { // Found in map, update reference count citer->second++; LOC_LOGd("turnOn - Data item:%d Num_refs:%d", dit, citer->second); } } void SystemStatusOsObserver::turnOff(DataItemId dit) { if (nullptr == mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj) { LOC_LOGe("Framework action request object is NULL"); return; } // Check if data item exists in mActiveRequestCount DataItemIdToInt::iterator citer = mActiveRequestCount.find(dit); if (citer != mActiveRequestCount.end()) { // found citer->second--; LOC_LOGd("turnOff - Data item:%d Remaining:%d", dit, citer->second); if(citer->second == 0) { // if this was last reference, remove item from map and turn off module mActiveRequestCount.erase(citer); // Send action turn off to framework struct HandleTurnOffMsg : public LocMsg { HandleTurnOffMsg(IFrameworkActionReq* framework, DataItemId dit) : mFrameworkActionReqObj(framework), mDataItemId(dit) {} virtual ~HandleTurnOffMsg() {} void proc() const { mFrameworkActionReqObj->turnOff(mDataItemId); } IFrameworkActionReq* mFrameworkActionReqObj; DataItemId mDataItemId; }; mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg( new (nothrow) HandleTurnOffMsg(mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj, dit)); } } } #ifdef USE_GLIB bool SystemStatusOsObserver::connectBackhaul(const string& clientName) { bool result = false; if (mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj != NULL) { struct HandleConnectBackhaul : public LocMsg { HandleConnectBackhaul(IFrameworkActionReq* fwkActReq, const string& clientName) : mClientName(clientName), mFwkActionReqObj(fwkActReq) {} virtual ~HandleConnectBackhaul() {} void proc() const { LOC_LOGi("HandleConnectBackhaul::enter"); mFwkActionReqObj->connectBackhaul(mClientName); LOC_LOGi("HandleConnectBackhaul::exit"); } IFrameworkActionReq* mFwkActionReqObj; string mClientName; }; mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg( new (nothrow) HandleConnectBackhaul(mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj, clientName)); result = true; } else { LOC_LOGe("Framework action request object is NULL.Caching connect request: %s", clientName.c_str()); ClientBackhaulReqCache::const_iterator iter = mBackHaulConnReqCache.find(clientName); if (iter == mBackHaulConnReqCache.end()) { // not found in set. first time receiving from request from client LOC_LOGe("Adding client to BackHaulConnReqCache list"); mBackHaulConnReqCache.insert(clientName); } result = false; } return result; } bool SystemStatusOsObserver::disconnectBackhaul(const string& clientName) { bool result = false; if (mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj != NULL) { struct HandleDisconnectBackhaul : public LocMsg { HandleDisconnectBackhaul(IFrameworkActionReq* fwkActReq, const string& clientName) : mClientName(clientName), mFwkActionReqObj(fwkActReq) {} virtual ~HandleDisconnectBackhaul() {} void proc() const { LOC_LOGi("HandleDisconnectBackhaul::enter"); mFwkActionReqObj->disconnectBackhaul(mClientName); LOC_LOGi("HandleDisconnectBackhaul::exit"); } IFrameworkActionReq* mFwkActionReqObj; string mClientName; }; mContext.mMsgTask->sendMsg( new (nothrow) HandleDisconnectBackhaul(mContext.mFrameworkActionReqObj, clientName)); } else { LOC_LOGe("Framework action request object is NULL.Caching disconnect request: %s", clientName.c_str()); // Check if client has requested for backhaul connection. ClientBackhaulReqCache::const_iterator iter = mBackHaulConnReqCache.find(clientName); if (iter != mBackHaulConnReqCache.end()) { // client found, remove from set. LOC_LOGd("Removing client from BackHaulConnReqCache list"); mBackHaulConnReqCache.erase(iter); } result = false; } return result; } #endif /****************************************************************************** Helpers ******************************************************************************/ void SystemStatusOsObserver::sendCachedDataItems( const unordered_set& s, IDataItemObserver* to) { if (nullptr == to) { LOC_LOGv("client pointer is NULL."); } else { string clientName; to->getName(clientName); list dataItems = {}; for (auto each : s) { auto citer = mDataItemCache.find(each); if (citer != mDataItemCache.end()) { string dv; citer->second->stringify(dv); LOC_LOGi("DataItem: %s >> %s", dv.c_str(), clientName.c_str()); dataItems.push_front(citer->second); } } if (dataItems.empty()) { LOC_LOGv("No items to notify."); } else { to->notify(dataItems); } } } bool SystemStatusOsObserver::updateCache(IDataItemCore* d) { bool dataItemUpdated = false; // Request systemstatus to record this dataitem in its cache // if the return is false, it means that SystemStatus is not // handling it, so SystemStatusOsObserver also doesn't. // So it has to be true to proceed. if (nullptr != d && mSystemStatus->eventDataItemNotify(d)) { dataItemUpdated = true; auto citer = mDataItemCache.find(d->getId()); if (citer == mDataItemCache.end()) { // New data item; not found in cache IDataItemCore* dataitem = DataItemsFactoryProxy::createNewDataItem(d); if (nullptr != dataitem) { // Insert in mDataItemCache mDataItemCache.insert(std::make_pair(d->getId(), dataitem)); } } else { // Found in cache; Update cache if necessary citer->second->copyFrom(d); } } LOC_LOGd("DataItem:%d updated:%d", d->getId(), dataItemUpdated); return dataItemUpdated; } } // namespace loc_core