#!/vendor/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/vendor/sbin:/vendor/bin:/vendor/xbin export PATH scriptname=${0##*/} notice() { echo "$*" echo "$scriptname: $*" > /dev/kmsg } # We take this from cpuinfo because hex "letters" are lowercase there set -A cinfo `cat /proc/cpuinfo | sed -n "/Revision/p"` hw=${cinfo[2]#?} # Now "cook" the value so it can be matched against devtree names m2=${hw%?} minor2=${hw#$m2} m1=${m2%?} minor1=${m2#$m1} if [ "$minor2" == "0" ]; then minor2="" if [ "$minor1" == "0" ]; then minor1="" fi fi setprop ro.vendor.hw.revision p${hw%??}$minor1$minor2 unset hw cinfo m1 m2 minor1 minor2 # reload UTAGS utag_status=$(cat /proc/config/reload) if [ "$utag_status" == "2" ]; then notice "Utags are not ready, reloading" echo 1 > /proc/config/reload utag_status=$(cat /proc/config/reload) [ "$utag_status" != "0" ] && notice "Utags failed to reload" fi # Export these for factory validation purposes iccid=$(cat /proc/config/iccid/ascii 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$iccid" ]; then setprop ro.vendor.mot.iccid $iccid fi unset iccid cust_md5=$(cat /proc/config/cust_md5/ascii 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$cust_md5" ]; then setprop ro.vendor.mot.cust_md5 $cust_md5 fi unset cust_md5 # Get FTI data and catch old units with incorrect/missing UTAG_FTI pds_fti=/mnt/vendor/persist/factory/fti if [ -r $pds_fti ]; then set -A fti $(od -A n -t x1 $pds_fti 2>/dev/null | tr '[A-F]' '[a-f]') else notice "Can not read FTI data in persist" fi # If UTAG_FTI is readable, compare checksums # and if they mismatch, assume PDS is valid and overwrite UTAG utag_fti=/proc/config/fti if [ -r $utag_fti/ascii ]; then set -A fti_utag $(cat ${utag_fti}/raw | sed 's/../& /g' | tr '[A-F]' '[a-f]') # Byte 128 is total cksum, if nothing there, PDS data is invalid/missing if [ ! -z "${fti[127]}" ]; then # Make sure fti in UTAG is the same as in persist. Checksum comparison if [ "${fti[126]}" != "${fti_utag[126]}" -o "${fti[127]}" != "${fti_utag[127]}" ]; then notice "Copying FTI data from persist" cat $pds_fti > ${utag_fti}/raw fi else # If PDS data is invalid, take UTAG and hope it is correct notice "Will use FTI from UTAG" set -A fti $(od -A n -t x1 ${utag_fti}/ascii 2>/dev/null) fi else notice "Missing FTI UTAG; copying from persist" echo fti > /proc/config/all/new cat $pds_fti > ${utag_fti}/raw fi # Read HW version from FTI data hw_v1="\x${fti[35]}" hw_v2="\x${fti[36]}" hw_v3="\x${fti[37]}" if [ "$hw_v3" == "\x30" ]; then hw_v3="" fi hw_v4="\x${fti[38]}" if [ "$hw_v4" == "\x30" ]; then hw_v4="" fi setprop ro.vendor.hw.boardversion $(printf "$hw_v1$hw_v2$hw_v3$hw_v4") # Now we have set fti var either from PDS or UTAG # Get Last Test Station stamp from FTI # and convert to user-friendly date, US format # Real offsets for year/month/day are 63/64/65 # If the month/date look reasonable, data is probably OK. mdate="Unknown" y=0x${fti[63]} m=0x${fti[64]} d=0x${fti[65]} let year=$y month=$m day=$d # Invalid data will often have bogus month/date values if [ $month -le 12 -a $day -le 31 -a $year -ge 12 ]; then mdate=$month/$day/20$year else notice "Corrupt FTI data" fi setprop ro.vendor.manufacturedate $mdate unset fti y m d year month day utag_fti pds_fti fti_utag mdate t=$(getprop ro.build.tags) if [[ "$t" != *release* ]]; then for p in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [ ${p%%:*} = "@" ]; then v=${p#@:}; a=${v%=*}; b=${v#*=} ${a%%:*} ${a##*:} $b fi done fi unset p v a b t # Cleanup stale/incorrect programmed model value # Real values will never contain substrings matching "internal" device name product=$(getprop ro.vendor.hw.device) model=$(cat /proc/config/model/ascii 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${model#*_}" == "$product" -o "${model%_*}" == "$product" ]; then notice "Clearing stale model value" echo "" > /proc/config/model/raw fi fi unset model product # set ro.vendor.bootreason, which be used to indicate kpanic/wdt boot status. # When ro.boot.last_powerup_reason is set, it denotes this is a 2nd reboot # after kpanic/wdt, we set ro.bootreason as coldboot to copy logs. # Otherwise, we would set ro.bootreason the same as ro.boot.bootreason. # ro.boot.bootreason is restricted as of android p, so get it another way: bootreason_kvp=$(cat /proc/bootinfo | grep "Last boot reason") last_power_up=$(getprop ro.boot.last_powerup_reason) if [ ! -z "$last_power_up" ] then setprop ro.vendor.bootreason "coldboot" else setprop ro.vendor.bootreason ${bootreason_kvp##* } fi