/* Copyright (c) 2017-2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Changes from Qualcomm Innovation Center are provided under the following license: Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_LocationAPI" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef const GnssInterface* (getGnssInterface)(); typedef const GeofenceInterface* (getGeofenceInterface)(); typedef const BatchingInterface* (getBatchingInterface)(); typedef void (createOSFramework)(); typedef void (destroyOSFramework)(); // GTP services typedef uint32_t (setOptInStatusGetter)(bool userConsent, responseCallback* callback); typedef void (enableProviderGetter)(); typedef void (disableProviderGetter)(); typedef void (getSingleNetworkLocationGetter)(trackingCallback* callback); typedef void (stopNetworkLocationGetter)(trackingCallback* callback); typedef struct { // bit mask of the adpaters that we need to wait for the removeClientCompleteCallback // before we invoke the registered locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback LocationAdapterTypeMask waitAdapterMask; locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb; } LocationAPIDestroyCbData; // This is the map for the client that has requested destroy with // destroy callback provided. typedef std::map LocationClientDestroyCbMap; typedef std::map LocationClientMap; typedef struct { LocationClientMap clientData; LocationClientDestroyCbMap destroyClientData; LocationControlAPI* controlAPI; LocationControlCallbacks controlCallbacks; GnssInterface* gnssInterface; GeofenceInterface* geofenceInterface; BatchingInterface* batchingInterface; } LocationAPIData; static LocationAPIData gData = {}; static pthread_mutex_t gDataMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static bool gGnssLoadFailed = false; static bool gBatchingLoadFailed = false; static bool gGeofenceLoadFailed = false; static uint32_t gOSFrameworkRefCount = 0; template static const T1* loadLocationInterface(const char* library, const char* name) { void* libhandle = nullptr; T2* getter = (T2*)dlGetSymFromLib(libhandle, library, name); if (nullptr == getter) { return (const T1*) getter; }else { return (*getter)(); } } static void createOSFrameworkInstance() { void* libHandle = nullptr; createOSFramework* getter = (createOSFramework*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "createOSFramework"); if (getter != nullptr) { (*getter)(); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } } static void destroyOSFrameworkInstance() { void* libHandle = nullptr; destroyOSFramework* getter = (destroyOSFramework*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "destroyOSFramework"); if (getter != nullptr) { (*getter)(); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } } static bool needsGnssTrackingInfo(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.gnssLocationInfoCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.engineLocationsInfoCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssSvCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssNmeaCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssDataCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssMeasurementsCb != nullptr); } static bool isGnssClient(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.gnssNiCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.trackingCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssLocationInfoCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.engineLocationsInfoCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssSvCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssNmeaCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssDataCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssMeasurementsCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.locationSystemInfoCb != nullptr); } static bool isBatchingClient(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.batchingCb != nullptr); } static bool isGeofenceClient(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.geofenceBreachCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.geofenceStatusCb != nullptr); } void LocationAPI::onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAdapterTypeMask adapterType) { bool invokeCallback = false; locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb; LOC_LOGd("adatper type %x", adapterType); pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.destroyClientData.find(this); if (it != gData.destroyClientData.end()) { it->second.waitAdapterMask &= ~adapterType; if (it->second.waitAdapterMask == 0) { invokeCallback = true; destroyCompleteCb = it->second.destroyCompleteCb; gData.destroyClientData.erase(it); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); if (invokeCallback) { LOC_LOGd("invoke client destroy cb"); if (!destroyCompleteCb) { (destroyCompleteCb) (); } delete this; } } void onGnssRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAPI* client) { client->onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LOCATION_ADAPTER_GNSS_TYPE_BIT); } void onBatchingRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAPI* client) { client->onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LOCATION_ADAPTER_BATCHING_TYPE_BIT); } void onGeofenceRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAPI* client) { client->onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LOCATION_ADAPTER_GEOFENCE_TYPE_BIT); } LocationAPI* LocationAPI::createInstance (LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { if (nullptr == locationCallbacks.capabilitiesCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.responseCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb) { LOC_LOGe("missing mandatory callback, return null"); return NULL; } LocationAPI* newLocationAPI = new LocationAPI(); bool requestedCapabilities = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); gOSFrameworkRefCount++; if (1 == gOSFrameworkRefCount) { createOSFrameworkInstance(); } if (isGnssClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface && !gGnssLoadFailed) { gData.gnssInterface = (GnssInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgnss.so", "getGnssInterface"); if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface) { gGnssLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.gnssInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { gData.gnssInterface->addClient(newLocationAPI, locationCallbacks); if (!requestedCapabilities) { gData.gnssInterface->requestCapabilities(newLocationAPI); requestedCapabilities = true; } } } if (isBatchingClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.batchingInterface && !gBatchingLoadFailed) { gData.batchingInterface = (BatchingInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libbatching.so", "getBatchingInterface"); if (NULL == gData.batchingInterface) { gBatchingLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No batching interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.batchingInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.batchingInterface) { gData.batchingInterface->addClient(newLocationAPI, locationCallbacks); if (!requestedCapabilities) { gData.batchingInterface->requestCapabilities(newLocationAPI); requestedCapabilities = true; } } } if (isGeofenceClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface && !gGeofenceLoadFailed) { gData.geofenceInterface = (GeofenceInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgeofencing.so", "getGeofenceInterface"); if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface) { gGeofenceLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.geofenceInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.geofenceInterface) { gData.geofenceInterface->addClient(newLocationAPI, locationCallbacks); if (!requestedCapabilities) { gData.geofenceInterface->requestCapabilities(newLocationAPI); requestedCapabilities = true; } } } gData.clientData[newLocationAPI] = locationCallbacks; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return newLocationAPI; } void LocationAPI::destroy(locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb) { bool invokeDestroyCb = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { bool removeFromGnssInf = (NULL != gData.gnssInterface); bool removeFromBatchingInf = (NULL != gData.batchingInterface); bool removeFromGeofenceInf = (NULL != gData.geofenceInterface); bool needToWait = (removeFromGnssInf || removeFromBatchingInf || removeFromGeofenceInf); LOC_LOGe("removeFromGnssInf: %d, removeFromBatchingInf: %d, removeFromGeofenceInf: %d," "needToWait: %d", removeFromGnssInf, removeFromBatchingInf, removeFromGeofenceInf, needToWait); if ((NULL != destroyCompleteCb) && (true == needToWait)) { LocationAPIDestroyCbData destroyCbData = {}; destroyCbData.destroyCompleteCb = destroyCompleteCb; // record down from which adapter we need to wait for the destroy complete callback // only when we have received all the needed callbacks from all the associated stacks, // we shall notify the client. destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask = (removeFromGnssInf ? LOCATION_ADAPTER_GNSS_TYPE_BIT : 0); destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask |= (removeFromBatchingInf ? LOCATION_ADAPTER_BATCHING_TYPE_BIT : 0); destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask |= (removeFromGeofenceInf ? LOCATION_ADAPTER_GEOFENCE_TYPE_BIT : 0); gData.destroyClientData[this] = destroyCbData; LOC_LOGi("destroy data stored in the map: 0x%x", destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask); } if (removeFromGnssInf) { gData.gnssInterface->removeClient(it->first, onGnssRemoveClientCompleteCb); } if (removeFromBatchingInf) { gData.batchingInterface->removeClient(it->first, onBatchingRemoveClientCompleteCb); } if (removeFromGeofenceInf) { gData.geofenceInterface->removeClient(it->first, onGeofenceRemoveClientCompleteCb); } gData.clientData.erase(it); if (!needToWait) { invokeDestroyCb = true; } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } if (1 == gOSFrameworkRefCount) { destroyOSFrameworkInstance(); } gOSFrameworkRefCount--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); if (invokeDestroyCb) { if (!destroyCompleteCb) { (destroyCompleteCb) (); } delete this; } } LocationAPI::LocationAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION API CONSTRUCTOR"); } // private destructor LocationAPI::~LocationAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION API DESTRUCTOR"); } void LocationAPI::updateCallbacks(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { if (nullptr == locationCallbacks.capabilitiesCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.responseCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb) { return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (isGnssClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface && !gGnssLoadFailed) { gData.gnssInterface = (GnssInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgnss.so", "getGnssInterface"); if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface) { gGnssLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.gnssInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { // either adds new Client or updates existing Client gData.gnssInterface->addClient(this, locationCallbacks); } } if (isBatchingClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.batchingInterface && !gBatchingLoadFailed) { gData.batchingInterface = (BatchingInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libbatching.so", "getBatchingInterface"); if (NULL == gData.batchingInterface) { gBatchingLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No batching interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.batchingInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.batchingInterface) { // either adds new Client or updates existing Client gData.batchingInterface->addClient(this, locationCallbacks); } } if (isGeofenceClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface && !gGeofenceLoadFailed) { gData.geofenceInterface = (GeofenceInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgeofencing.so", "getGeofenceInterface"); if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface) { gGeofenceLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.geofenceInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.geofenceInterface) { // either adds new Client or updates existing Client gData.geofenceInterface->addClient(this, locationCallbacks); } } gData.clientData[this] = locationCallbacks; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t LocationAPI::startTracking(TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { id = gData.gnssInterface->startTracking(this, trackingOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } void LocationAPI::stopTracking(uint32_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->stopTracking(this, id); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::updateTrackingOptions( uint32_t id, TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->updateTrackingOptions(this, id, trackingOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t LocationAPI::startBatching(BatchingOptions &batchingOptions) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.batchingInterface) { id = gData.batchingInterface->startBatching(this, batchingOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No batching interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } void LocationAPI::stopBatching(uint32_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.batchingInterface) { gData.batchingInterface->stopBatching(this, id); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No batching interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::updateBatchingOptions(uint32_t id, BatchingOptions& batchOptions) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.batchingInterface) { gData.batchingInterface->updateBatchingOptions(this, id, batchOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No batching interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::getBatchedLocations(uint32_t id, size_t count) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.batchingInterface != NULL) { gData.batchingInterface->getBatchedLocations(this, id, count); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No batching interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t* LocationAPI::addGeofences(size_t count, GeofenceOption* options, GeofenceInfo* info) { uint32_t* ids = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { ids = gData.geofenceInterface->addGeofences(this, count, options, info); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return ids; } void LocationAPI::removeGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->removeGeofences(this, count, ids); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::modifyGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids, GeofenceOption* options) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->modifyGeofences(this, count, ids, options); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::pauseGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->pauseGeofences(this, count, ids); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::resumeGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->resumeGeofences(this, count, ids); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::gnssNiResponse(uint32_t id, GnssNiResponse response) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->gnssNiResponse(this, id, response); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::enableNetworkProvider() { void* libHandle = nullptr; enableProviderGetter* setter = (enableProviderGetter*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "enableNetworkProvider"); if (setter != nullptr) { (*setter)(); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } } void LocationAPI::disableNetworkProvider() { void* libHandle = nullptr; disableProviderGetter* setter = (disableProviderGetter*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "disableNetworkProvider"); if (setter != nullptr) { (*setter)(); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } } void LocationAPI::startNetworkLocation(trackingCallback* callback) { void* libHandle = nullptr; getSingleNetworkLocationGetter* setter = (getSingleNetworkLocationGetter*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "startNetworkLocation"); if (setter != nullptr) { (*setter)(callback); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } } void LocationAPI::stopNetworkLocation(trackingCallback* callback) { void* libHandle = nullptr; stopNetworkLocationGetter* setter = (stopNetworkLocationGetter*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "stopNetworkLocation"); if (setter != nullptr) { LOC_LOGe("called"); (*setter)(callback); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } } LocationControlAPI* LocationControlAPI::createInstance(LocationControlCallbacks& locationControlCallbacks) { LocationControlAPI* controlAPI = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (nullptr != locationControlCallbacks.responseCb && NULL == gData.controlAPI) { if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface && !gGnssLoadFailed) { gData.gnssInterface = (GnssInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgnss.so", "getGnssInterface"); if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface) { gGnssLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.gnssInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { gData.controlAPI = new LocationControlAPI(); gData.controlCallbacks = locationControlCallbacks; gData.gnssInterface->setControlCallbacks(locationControlCallbacks); controlAPI = gData.controlAPI; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return controlAPI; } void LocationControlAPI::destroy() { delete this; } LocationControlAPI::LocationControlAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION CONTROL API CONSTRUCTOR"); } LocationControlAPI::~LocationControlAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION CONTROL API DESTRUCTOR"); pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); gData.controlAPI = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::enable(LocationTechnologyType techType) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->enable(techType); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } void LocationControlAPI::disable(uint32_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->disable(id); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t* LocationControlAPI::gnssUpdateConfig(const GnssConfig& config) { uint32_t* ids = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { ids = gData.gnssInterface->gnssUpdateConfig(config); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return ids; } uint32_t* LocationControlAPI::gnssGetConfig(GnssConfigFlagsMask mask) { uint32_t* ids = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { ids = gData.gnssInterface->gnssGetConfig(mask); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Control API client %p", this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return ids; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::gnssDeleteAidingData(GnssAidingData& data) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->gnssDeleteAidingData(data); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configConstellations( const GnssSvTypeConfig& constellationEnablementConfig, const GnssSvIdConfig& blacklistSvConfig) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->gnssUpdateSvConfig( constellationEnablementConfig, blacklistSvConfig); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configConstellationSecondaryBand( const GnssSvTypeConfig& secondaryBandConfig) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->gnssUpdateSecondaryBandConfig(secondaryBandConfig); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configConstrainedTimeUncertainty( bool enable, float tuncThreshold, uint32_t energyBudget) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->setConstrainedTunc(enable, tuncThreshold, energyBudget); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configPositionAssistedClockEstimator(bool enable) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->setPositionAssistedClockEstimator(enable); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configLeverArm(const LeverArmConfigInfo& configInfo) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->configLeverArm(configInfo); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configRobustLocation(bool enable, bool enableForE911) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->configRobustLocation(enable, enableForE911); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configMinGpsWeek(uint16_t minGpsWeek) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->configMinGpsWeek(minGpsWeek); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configDeadReckoningEngineParams( const DeadReckoningEngineConfig& dreConfig) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->configDeadReckoningEngineParams(dreConfig); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::configEngineRunState( PositioningEngineMask engType, LocEngineRunState engState) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->configEngineRunState(engType, engState); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Location Control API"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::setOptInStatus(bool userConsent) { void* libHandle = nullptr; uint32_t sessionId = 0; setOptInStatusGetter* setter = (setOptInStatusGetter*)dlGetSymFromLib(libHandle, "liblocationservice_glue.so", "setOptInStatus"); if (setter != nullptr) { sessionId = (*setter)(userConsent, &gData.controlCallbacks.responseCb); } else { LOC_LOGe("dlGetSymFromLib failed for liblocationservice_glue.so"); } return sessionId; }