/* Copyright (c) 2011-2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundatoin, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "loc_cfg.h" #include #include #include #define BILLION_NSEC (1E9) typedef struct timespec pps_sync_time; //DRsync kernel timestamp static struct timespec drsyncKernelTs = {0,0}; //DRsync userspace timestamp static struct timespec drsyncUserTs = {0,0}; static struct timespec prevDrsyncKernelTs = {0,0}; //flag to stop fetching timestamp static int isActive = 0; static pthread_t threadId; static pps_handle handle; static pthread_mutex_t ts_lock; static int skipPPSPulseCnt = 0; static int gnssOutageInSec = 1; static loc_param_s_type gps_conf_param_table[] = { {"IGNORE_PPS_PULSE_COUNT", &skipPPSPulseCnt, NULL, 'n'}, {"GNSS_OUTAGE_DURATION", &gnssOutageInSec, NULL, 'n'} }; typedef enum { KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_BOOTTIME = 0, KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_REALTIME, KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_UNKNOWN = 0xfe, KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_MAX = 0xff } kernel_reported_time_e; /* checks the PPS source and opens it */ int check_device(char *path, pps_handle *handle) { int ret; /* Try to find the source by using the supplied "path" name */ ret = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (ret < 0) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d unable to open device %s", __func__, __LINE__, path); return ret; } /* Open the PPS source */ ret = pps_create(ret, handle); if (ret < 0) { LOC_LOGV( "%s:%d cannot create a PPS source from device %s", __func__, __LINE__, path); return -1; } return 0; } /* calculate the time difference between two given times in argument - ** returns the result in timeDifference parametter*/ static inline void calculate_time_difference(pps_sync_time time1, pps_sync_time time2, pps_sync_time* timeDifference) { if (time2.tv_nsec < time1.tv_nsec) { timeDifference->tv_sec = time2.tv_sec - 1 - time1.tv_sec; timeDifference->tv_nsec = BILLION_NSEC + time2.tv_nsec - time1.tv_nsec; } else { timeDifference->tv_sec = time2.tv_sec - time1.tv_sec; timeDifference->tv_nsec = time2.tv_nsec - time1.tv_nsec; } } /*add two timespec values and return the result in third resultTime parameter*/ static inline void pps_sync_time_add(pps_sync_time time1, pps_sync_time time2, pps_sync_time* resultTime) { if (time2.tv_nsec + time1.tv_nsec >= BILLION_NSEC) { resultTime->tv_sec = time2.tv_sec + time1.tv_sec + 1; resultTime->tv_nsec = time2.tv_nsec + time1.tv_nsec - BILLION_NSEC; } else { resultTime->tv_sec = time2.tv_sec + time1.tv_sec; resultTime->tv_nsec = time2.tv_nsec + time1.tv_nsec; } } #define MAX_REALTIME_OFFSET_DELTA_DIFFERENCE 10 #define MAX_PPS_KERNEL_TO_USERSPACE_LATENCY 100 /*in milli-second*/ static inline double convertTimeToMilliSec(pps_sync_time timeToConvert) { return ((double)(timeToConvert.tv_sec * 1000) + (double)(timeToConvert.tv_nsec * 0.000001)); } /*returnValue: 1 = offsetTime OK, 0 = offsetTime NOT OK*/ static inline bool isTimeOffsetOk(pps_sync_time offsetTime) { double offsetInMillis = convertTimeToMilliSec(offsetTime); return (fabs(offsetInMillis) <= MAX_REALTIME_OFFSET_DELTA_DIFFERENCE)? true: false; } /*check whether kernel PPS timestamp is a CLOCK_BOOTTIME or CLOCK_REALTIME*/ static kernel_reported_time_e get_reported_time_type(pps_sync_time userBootTs, pps_sync_time userRealTs, pps_sync_time kernelTs) { double userRealMs, userBootMs, kernelTsMs; kernel_reported_time_e reportedTime = KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_UNKNOWN; userRealMs = convertTimeToMilliSec(userRealTs); userBootMs = convertTimeToMilliSec(userBootTs); kernelTsMs = convertTimeToMilliSec(kernelTs); if(fabs(userBootMs - kernelTsMs) <= MAX_PPS_KERNEL_TO_USERSPACE_LATENCY) { reportedTime = KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_BOOTTIME; } else if (fabs(userRealMs - kernelTsMs) <= MAX_PPS_KERNEL_TO_USERSPACE_LATENCY) { reportedTime = KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_REALTIME; } else { reportedTime = KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_UNKNOWN; } LOC_LOGV("[%s] Detected PPS timestamp type (0:Boot, 1:Real, 0xfe:Unknown):0x%x", __func__, reportedTime); return reportedTime; } /*compute_real_to_boot_time - converts the kernel real time stamp to boot time reference*/ static int compute_real_to_boot_time(pps_info ppsFetchTime) { int retVal = 0; /*Offset between REAL_TIME to BOOT_TIME*/ static pps_sync_time time_offset = {0, 0}; pps_sync_time drSyncUserRealTs, drSyncUserBootTs; pps_sync_time deltaRealToBootTime = {0, 0}; pps_sync_time deltaOffsetTime = {0, 0}; kernel_reported_time_e ppsTimeType; retVal = clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME,&drSyncUserBootTs); if (retVal != 0) { LOC_LOGE("[%s]Error Reading CLOCK_BOOTTIME", __func__); retVal = -1; goto exit0; } retVal = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&drSyncUserRealTs); if (retVal != 0){ LOC_LOGE("[%s]Error Reading CLOCK_REALTIME", __func__); retVal = -1; goto exit0; } ppsTimeType = get_reported_time_type(drSyncUserBootTs, drSyncUserRealTs, ppsFetchTime); if (KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_BOOTTIME == ppsTimeType) { /*Store PPS kernel time*/ drsyncKernelTs.tv_sec = ppsFetchTime.tv_sec; drsyncKernelTs.tv_nsec = ppsFetchTime.tv_nsec; /*Store User PPS fetch time*/ drsyncUserTs.tv_sec = drSyncUserBootTs.tv_sec; drsyncUserTs.tv_nsec = drSyncUserBootTs.tv_nsec; LOC_LOGV("[compute_real_to_boot] PPS TimeType CLOCK_BOOTTIME -- report as is"); retVal = 0; } else if (KERNEL_REPORTED_CLOCK_REALTIME == ppsTimeType) { /* Calculate time difference between REALTIME to BOOT_TIME*/ calculate_time_difference(drSyncUserRealTs, drSyncUserBootTs, &deltaRealToBootTime); /* Calculate the time difference between stored offset and computed one now*/ calculate_time_difference(time_offset, deltaRealToBootTime, &deltaOffsetTime); if ((0 == time_offset.tv_sec && 0 == time_offset.tv_nsec) || (isTimeOffsetOk(deltaOffsetTime))) { /* if Time Offset does not change beyond threshold then ** convert to boot time*/ drsyncUserTs.tv_sec = drSyncUserBootTs.tv_sec; drsyncUserTs.tv_nsec = drSyncUserBootTs.tv_nsec; pps_sync_time_add(ppsFetchTime, deltaRealToBootTime, &drsyncKernelTs); retVal = 0; } else { /*The offset is too high, jump detected in realTime tick, either ** wall clock changed by user of NTP, skip PPS, re-sync @ next tick */ LOC_LOGE("[%s] Jump detected in CLOCK_REALTIME - Offset %ld:%ld", __func__, deltaOffsetTime.tv_sec, deltaOffsetTime.tv_nsec); retVal = -1; } time_offset.tv_sec = deltaRealToBootTime.tv_sec; time_offset.tv_nsec = deltaRealToBootTime.tv_nsec; LOC_LOGV("[compute_real_to_boot] KernelRealTs %ld:%ld ComputedTs %ld:%ld RealTs %ld:%ld BootTs %ld:%ld Offset %ld:%ld retVal %d ", ppsFetchTime.tv_sec, ppsFetchTime.tv_nsec, drsyncKernelTs.tv_sec, drsyncKernelTs.tv_nsec, drSyncUserRealTs.tv_sec, drSyncUserRealTs.tv_nsec, drsyncUserTs.tv_sec, drsyncUserTs.tv_nsec, time_offset.tv_sec, time_offset.tv_nsec, retVal); } else { LOC_LOGV("[compute_real_to_boot] PPS TimeType Unknown -- KernelTs %ld:%ld userRealTs %ld:%ld userBootTs %ld:%ld", ppsFetchTime.tv_sec, ppsFetchTime.tv_nsec, drSyncUserRealTs.tv_sec, drSyncUserRealTs.tv_nsec, drsyncUserTs.tv_sec, drsyncUserTs.tv_nsec); retVal = -1; } exit0: return retVal; } /* fetches the timestamp from the PPS source */ int read_pps(pps_handle *handle) { struct timespec timeout; pps_info infobuf; int ret; static bool isFirstPulseReceived = false; static unsigned int skipPulseCnt = 0; // 3sec timeout timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_nsec = 0; ret = pps_fetch(*handle, PPS_TSFMT_TSPEC, &infobuf, &timeout); if (ret < 0 && ret !=-EINTR) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d pps_fetch() error %d", __func__, __LINE__, ret); return -1; } if (!isFirstPulseReceived && (skipPPSPulseCnt > 0)) { skipPulseCnt = skipPPSPulseCnt; isFirstPulseReceived = true; LOC_LOGV("%s:%d first pps pulse received %ld (sec) %ld (nsec)", __func__, __LINE__, infobuf.tv_sec, infobuf.tv_nsec) }else if (isFirstPulseReceived && (skipPPSPulseCnt > 0) && ((infobuf.tv_sec - prevDrsyncKernelTs.tv_sec) > gnssOutageInSec)) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d long RF outage detected, ignore next %d PPS Pulses", __func__, __LINE__, skipPPSPulseCnt) skipPulseCnt = skipPPSPulseCnt; } prevDrsyncKernelTs.tv_sec = infobuf.tv_sec; prevDrsyncKernelTs.tv_nsec = infobuf.tv_nsec; /* check if this dr sync pulse need to be ignored or not*/ if (skipPulseCnt > 0) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d skip pps count %d, ignoring this pps pulse %ld (sec) %ld (nsec)", __func__,__LINE__, skipPulseCnt, infobuf.tv_sec, infobuf.tv_nsec); skipPulseCnt--; return 0; } /* update dr syncpulse time*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ts_lock); ret = compute_real_to_boot_time(infobuf); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ts_lock); return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* infinitely calls read_pps() */ void *thread_handle(void *input) { int ret; if(input != NULL) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d Thread Input is present", __func__, __LINE__); } while(isActive) { ret = read_pps(&handle); if (ret == -1 && errno != ETIMEDOUT ) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d Could not fetch PPS source", __func__, __LINE__); } } return NULL; } /* opens the device and fetches from PPS source */ int initPPS(char *devname) { int ret,pid; isActive = 1; ret = check_device(devname, &handle); if (ret < 0) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d Could not find PPS source", __func__, __LINE__); return 0; } UTIL_READ_CONF(LOC_PATH_GPS_CONF, gps_conf_param_table); pthread_mutex_init(&ts_lock, NULL); pid = pthread_create(&threadId, NULL, &thread_handle, NULL); if(pid != 0) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d Could not create thread in InitPPS", __func__, __LINE__); isActive = 0; return 0; } return 1; } /* stops fetching and closes the device */ void deInitPPS() { pthread_mutex_lock(&ts_lock); if (0 == isActive) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d deInitPPS called before initPPS", __func__, __LINE__); return; } isActive = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ts_lock); pthread_join(threadId, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ts_lock); pps_destroy(handle); } /* retrieves DRsync kernel timestamp,DRsync userspace timestamp and updates current timestamp */ /* Returns: * 1. @Param out DRsync kernel timestamp * 2. @Param out DRsync userspace timestamp * 3. @Param out current timestamp */ int getPPS(struct timespec *fineKernelTs ,struct timespec *currentTs, struct timespec *fineUserTs) { int ret = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&ts_lock); if (0 != isActive) { fineKernelTs->tv_sec = drsyncKernelTs.tv_sec; fineKernelTs->tv_nsec = drsyncKernelTs.tv_nsec; fineUserTs->tv_sec = drsyncUserTs.tv_sec; fineUserTs->tv_nsec = drsyncUserTs.tv_nsec; ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME,currentTs); } else { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d No active thread to read PPS - call initPPS first", __func__, __LINE__); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ts_lock); if(ret != 0) { LOC_LOGV("%s:%d clock_gettime() error",__func__,__LINE__); return 0; } return 1; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif