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<!-- Copyright (c) 2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
<!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has 5GHz frequency band support -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi5ghzSupport">true</bool>
<!-- Wifi driver supports 6GHz band for softap -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifiSoftap6ghzSupported">true</bool>
<!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has background scan support -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_background_scan_support">true</bool>
<!-- Wifi driver supports batched scan -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_batched_scan_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Enable ACS (auto channel selection) for Wifi hotspot (SAP) -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Enable 802.11ac for Wifi hotspot (SAP) -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_ieee80211ac_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Indicates that connected MAC randomization is supported on this device -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_connected_mac_randomization_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Indicates that p2p MAC randomization is supported on this device -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_p2p_mac_randomization_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Boolean to provide support to keep wifi5 symbol for 8SS supported device and 11ax AP -->
<bool translateble="false" name="config_wifi_report_he_ready">true</bool>
<!-- Channel list for softap 2G band. Empty means all channels -->
<string translateble="false" name="config_wifiSoftap2gChannelList"></string>
<!-- Channel list for softap 5G band. Empty means all channels -->
<string translateble="false" name="config_wifiSoftap5gChannelList"></string>
<!-- Channel list for softap 6G band. Empty means all channels -->
<string translateble="false" name="config_wifiSoftap6gChannelList"></string>
<!-- Boolean to provide support to keep wifi5 symbol for 8SS supported device and 11ax AP -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_vendorWifi11axReadySupport">true</bool>
<!-- Wifi driver supports WPA3 Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (WPA3-SAE) for softap -->
<bool name="config_wifi_softap_sae_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Wifi driver supports WPA3 Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (WPA3-OWE) for softap -->
<bool name="config_vendor_wifi_softap_owe_supported">true</bool>
<!-- Wifi driver Automatic channel selection (ACS) for softap to include DFS channels -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifiSoftapAcsIncludeDfs">true</bool>
<!-- Integer indicating maximum hardware supported client number of soft ap -->
<integer translatable="false" name="config_wifiHardwareSoftapMaxClientCount">32</integer>
<!-- Boolean indicating that wifi only link configuratios that have exact same credentials (i.e PSK) -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_only_link_same_credential_configurations">false</bool>
<!-- Boolean indicating that multiple NDPs are allowed on single NDI.
Enable Aware NDP interface selection on interface that already has network set up.
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifiAllowMultipleNetworksOnSameAwareNdi">true</bool>
<!-- integer indicating additional disconnect delay (in ms) after IMS onLost() indication is received -->
<integer translatable="false" name="config_wifiDelayDisconnectOnImsLostMs">1000</integer>
<!-- Boolean indicating whether 802.11r Fast BSS Transition is enabled on this platform -->
<bool name="config_wifi_fast_bss_transition_enabled">true</bool>