"use client"; import { motion } from "framer-motion" import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle, CardDescription } from "@/components/ui/card" import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button" import { ExternalLink, Mail, Sparkles, Lock, BadgeCheck, CircleArrowRight } from "lucide-react" import { SiGitea, SiAuthentik } from "react-icons/si" import Link from "next/link" import { Separator } from "@/components/ui/separator" import { useTheme } from "next-themes" const services = [ { title: "Email", description: "You now have access to send and receive emails with the email you created at signup.", link: "https://mail.librecloud.cc/", icon: Mail, }, { title: "Pass", description: "Securely store and manage your passwords across devices with Vaultwarden.", link: "https://vaultwarden.p0ntus.com/", icon: Lock, }, { title: "Git", description: "Host your repositories and run actions free of charge on our Gitea instance.", link: "https://git.pontusmail.org/", icon: SiGitea, }, { title: "Authentik", description: "A secure single-sign-on service for easy login to your other services.", link: "https://git.pontusmail.org/", icon: SiAuthentik, }, ] const WelcomePage = () => { const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme() return (
Welcome to LibreCloud

Your account was created

You've unlocked

{services.map((service, index) => ( {service.title} {service.description} ))}

Pay less, do more

Did You Know?

LibreCloud makes ZERO profit off upgrades, while doing the heavy lifting in the background to ensure a connected experience.

Generative AI

Use GenAI tools at API pricing, without compromising on the UI.

Account Upgrades

Add additional storage or services from our host at no additional fee from LibreCloud.

Now, we set you free

Now, it's your time to explore. All we ask is you use your services in a fair way. Account bans will be enforced for abuse of our services for spamming, scamming, and all that nasty stuff.

We live in the "Support" tab on your dashboard, and on Telegram if you need any help. Please be civil and patient, and we'll do our best to help you out.

From here, you can proceed to sign in to your newly created account with Authentik. It will handle all the sign-ins for your account except for Pass (Vaultwarden).

) } export default WelcomePage