2024-10-06 09:48:25 -03:00
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2024-10-06 09:49:15 -03:00
< img align = "left" width = "270" height = "270" src = "https://wallpapers.com/images/hd/cute-anime-girl-pfp-onnanoko-strawberries-and-hearts-ur1xrjbm1ipqr3wu.jpg" >
2024-10-06 09:42:03 -03:00
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2024-10-06 09:50:24 -03:00
< a href = "https://git.io/typing-svg" > < img src = "https://readme-typing-svg.demolab.com?font=Roboto+Mono&weight=600&duration=2500&pause=1500&color=FFFFFF&background=24242e¢er=true&vCenter=true&random=false&width=435&lines=Welcome!+%F0%9F%92%9C;I+am+Lucas%2C+aka.+lucmsilva...;Nice+to+meet+you!;I+am+a+hobbyist+developer.;Check+out+my+website!;https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eleu.me" alt = "Typing SVG" / > < / a >
2024-05-22 00:23:53 -03:00
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2024-03-27 15:17:51 -03:00
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[](https://github.com/lucmsilva651/) <!-- ignore that base=3188 bcs i migrated from lolicount -->
2024-05-31 17:09:09 -03:00
2024-10-06 10:02:49 -03:00
``views have been restored from lolicount` `
2024-05-31 17:09:09 -03:00
2024-10-06 09:42:03 -03:00
[GitHub Stats and Last.fm ](STATS.md )
2024-06-01 14:01:55 -03:00
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2024-02-13 02:06:41 -03:00
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