"lynxWelcome":"*Hello! I am Lynx!*\nI was made with love by Lucas Gabriel (@lukig1)!\n\n*Before using, you need to read the privacy policy (/privacy) to understand where your data goes when using this bot.*\n\nAlso, you can use /help to see the bot commands!",
"lynxHelp":"*Hey, I'm Lynx, a simple bot made entirely from scratch in Telegraf and Node.js by Lucas Gabriel (lucmsilva).*\n\nClick on the buttons below to see which commands you can use!\n\n*Special thanks to @givfnz2 for his many contributions to the bot!*",
"lynxPrivacy":"Check out [this link](https://blog.eleu.me/posts/lynx-privacy-policy) to read the bot's privacy policy.",
"lastFmDesc":"*Last.fm*\n\n- /lt | /lmu | /last | /lfm: Shows the last song from your Last.fm profile + the number of plays.\n- /setuser `<user>`: Sets the user for the command above.",
"lastFmNoUser":"*Please provide a Last.fm username.*\nExample: `/setuser <username>`",
"lastFmNoSet":"*You haven't set your Last.fm username yet.*\nUse the command /setuser to set.\n\nExample: `/setuser <username>`",
"usefulCommandsDesc":"*Useful commands*\n\n- /chatinfo: Send information about the group\n- /userinfo: Send information about yourself\n- /d | /device `<model>`: Search for a device on GSMArena and show its specs.\n- /weather | /clima `<city>`: See weather status for a specific location.\n- /modarchive | /tma `<module id>`: Download a module from The Mod Archive",
"funnyCommandsDesc":"*Funny commands*\n\n- /gay: Check if you are gay\n- /furry: Check if you are a furry\n- /random: Pick a random number between 0-10",
"interactiveEmojis":"Interactive emojis",
"interactiveEmojisDesc":"*Interactive emojis*\n\n- /dice: Roll a dice\n- /idice: Infinitely roll a colored dice\n- /slot: Try to combine the figures!\n- /ball: Try to kick the ball into the goal!\n- /bowling: Try to hit the pins!\n- /dart: Try to hit the target!",