"lynxWelcome":"*Hello! I am Lynx!*\nI was made with love by Lucas Gabriel (lucmsilva)!\n\n*Before using, you will need to read the privacy policy (/privacy) to understand where your data goes when using this bot.*\n\nAlso, you can use /help to show the bot commands!",
"lynxHelp":"*Help\n*Hey, I'm Lynx, a simple bot made entirely from scratch in Telegraf and Node.js by Lucas Gabriel (lucmsilva).\n\n*Click on the buttons below to know which commands you can use!*\n\n*Special thanks to @givfnz2 for his many contributions to the bot!*",
"informationHelp":"[INFORMATION COMMANDS]\n• /chatinfo - send some information about the group\n• /userinfo - send some information about yourself\n• /d [DEVICE_MODEL] - search for a device and send its specs\n• /lt [USER_NAME]: send last song from USER_NAME's LastFM and number of plays. Also works with /lt, /lmu, /last, /lfm",
"funnyChecksHelp":"[CHECKS COMMANDS]\n• /gay: check if you are gay\n• /furry: check if you are a furry\n• /random: pick a random number between 0-10",
"interactiveEmojisHelp":"[INTERACTIVE EMOJIS COMMANDS]\n• /dice: Roll a dice\n• /idice: Infinitely roll a colored dice\n• /slot: Try to combine the figures!\n• /ball: Try to kick the ball in the goal!\n• /bowling: Try to hit the pins!\n• /dart: Try to hit the target! ",
"botInfoHelp":"[BOT INFO COMMANDS]\n• /help: Show bot's help\n• /start: Starts the bot\n• /privacy: Read the bot's Privacy Policy",