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# aidxnFUN
[![License: CC0-1.0](](
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="a proud member of the orange team of 512KB club" /></a>
The full code of my website, under the CC0-1.0 license (public domain). Built with Tailwind CSS, EJS, Express.js, and Node.js
# Install and self-host
Have a weird obsession? Want a pre-built site you can use for free? Host aidxnFUN! As the code is available under the CC0-1.0 license, which means you should feel free and encouraged to change content, design, whatever!
During this process, `node` (20.08.0), `npm`, and `netcat` will be installed. If you use Windows, you must manually install NodeJS.
**Please note:** The /status endpoint will be broken with default servers (ones I own) as CORS will block requests not made from
## Debian/Ubuntu/Other Debian-based systems
1. Clone the repo
git clone
cd aidxnFUN
2. Setup `manage`
./manage setup
3. Start the server
./manage up
A server will now start on port :5566, and be accessible from your web browser at http://localhost:5566/. I highly suggest creating a NGINX reverse proxy for this, especially if you plan to point this to a domain.
## Windows
Windows-based hosts are only partially supported. I have no plans to write a script for Windows as of now, though that may change in the future, based on demand. However, `package.json` have bundled scripts to allow hosting on Windows. If you plan to host this website, I **STRONGLY** recommend that you use Linux.
1. Install NodeJS and NPM for Windows from [](
2. Open a Node.js command prompt
3. Clone the repo
git clone
cd aidxnFUN
4. Build the app
npm run winbuild
5. Run the app on port 5566
set PORT=5566 && node app.js
You may use the `PORT` variable to set a custom port. While Windows tends to default to 3000, we will use 5566, which is the default for aidxnFUN on Linux.
# How it works
This website uses Node.js, Express.js for a server, EJS for templating, and Tailwind CSS for the frontend CSS.
The `manage` script uses all of those tools to manage the server for you executes the repetitive tasks for you automatically.
The views contain both regular page shards (full-ish pages) and generic shards (fragments of pages, widgets, etc.). I define a "shard" as an EJS template, which are pieced together into a pretty little website. The shards hold individual elements like music widgets, while a regular page shard is the page that contains the music widget, which the end user sees. This is helpful for understanding the code.
Thus far, shards are included for a music widget, the header, and the footer of the pages.
Music (as featured on the home page) is fetched from an API (hosted on, which I am in the process of setting up for myself. It works with a LastFM account (I linked this to my Spotify) and can track your live listening with amazing accuracy. The repo can be found at [biancarosa/lastfm-last-played](
# Using the `manage` script
You may have noticed you have a `manage` file after cloning. `manage` is a command-line tool to manage the server. It can automatically start, stop, and restart your instance. This script only supports Linux-based systems.
First, you must complete the setup with the following commands:
chmod +x manage
./manage setup
After doing that, you are now ready to use the script.
## `manage` usage
`./manage [command] [options]`
## `manage` commands
+ `./manage up` - Builds the project and starts the server
+ `./manage down` - Stops the server
+ `./manage restart` - Restarts the server
+ `./manage status, -s, --status` - Checks if the server is running
+ `./manage help, -h, --help` - Shows the help message
# Troubleshooting
I highly suggest you take a peek at the `node.log` file's contents. It's in the same directory as the `manage` script. This file contains the NodeJS server logs, which can be very helpful for debugging and/or troubleshooting.
# To-Do
- [ ] Add link to in menu
- [ ] Restructure menu with dropdowns
- [X] Implement PGP message verification
- [X] Add menu link to tilde website
- [X] Update projects page to latest information
# License
[![FOSSA Status](](